这是我到目前为止所拥有的:declare const Twilio: Twilio.Base;declare namespace Twilio { export interface Base { Device: Device; } export interface Device { ready(handler: DeviceCallback): void; } export interface DeviceCallback { (device: Device): void; }}这是可行的,但这只是一个示例,还不完整.例如,现在就足够了:)但是我的问题是三个方面:鉴于上面的简短示例,您会做其他不同的事情吗?如果我从所有接口中删除export关键字,它仍然有效.我还应该离开吗?它是做什么的? 鉴于用法Twilio.Device.ready(this.handleTwilioDeviceReady.bind(this));,将鼠标悬停在IDE上时,IDE提供以下内容: Twilio:const Twilio: Twilio.Base Twilio.Device:(property) Twilio.Base.Device: Twilio.Device Twilio.Device.ready:(method) Twilio.Device.ready(handler: Twilio.DeviceCallback): void 如何摆脱在IDE中显示的Twilio.Base,而是显示: Twilio:const Twilio: Twilio Twilio.Device:(property) Twilio.Device: Twilio.Device 解决方案我看过了API,我认为以下应该作为环境声明文件的一个很好的起点.declare namespace Twilio { class Connection { // Constructor does not appear to be available to user. private constructor(); // Add Connection Methods and Properties Here } // Not immediately clear if Twilio.Device is a class or not. interface IDevice { setup(token, options); ready(handler); offline(handler); incoming(handler); connect(params) : Connection; // Add Remainder of Twilio.Device properties here. } /** * Twilio.Device appears to be a singleton object that * you don't instantiate yourself. You can use * the below to declare its presence. */ let Device : IDevice;}更多注意事项:declare const Twilio: Twilio.Base;以下命名空间声明使此操作变得多余,它的作用是声明一个普通的旧JS对象的存在,该对象具有您声明的名称和成员.声明环境类/命名空间时,导出不会显示具有任何功能.仅在声明带有默认导出成员的模块时,或者在编写TS文件并且需要声明哪些类和接口可以公开访问时,才有必要. Device.Ready的回调类型 IDevice具有ready方法,该方法接受传递了IDevice对象的函数参数,并且不希望返回任何内容.此类函数的类型签名为:(device : IDevice) => void;内联声明为:ready((device : IDevice) => void) : void;鉴于您将重复使用此回调类型几次,应创建一个输入别名,然后像这样引用它:type DeviceCallback = (device : IDevice) => void;interface IDevice { ... ready(handler: DeviceCallback) : void; offline(handler : DeviceCallback) : void; ...}I'm using Twilio.js library on my application (not Twilio Node) and there's no module nor typings for this library available. There's only a Twilio global variable available that one can use.The simplest ambient declaration one can have to avoid errors in the IDE is this:declare const Twilio: any;But I want to go a little bit further and for that I've been reading TypeScript handbook and few other resources. I've taken especially attention to this link.And here's what I have so far:declare const Twilio: Twilio.Base;declare namespace Twilio { export interface Base { Device: Device; } export interface Device { ready(handler: DeviceCallback): void; } export interface DeviceCallback { (device: Device): void; }}This is working, but it's just a sample, it's not complete. As an example, it suffices for now :)But my question is three-fold:Given the short sample above, would you do anything differently?If I remove the export keyword from all interfaces, it still works. Should I still leave it? What does it do?Given the usage Twilio.Device.ready(this.handleTwilioDeviceReady.bind(this));, IDEs give me the following when hovering my mouse over:Twilio: const Twilio: Twilio.BaseTwilio.Device: (property) Twilio.Base.Device: Twilio.DeviceTwilio.Device.ready: (method) Twilio.Device.ready(handler: Twilio.DeviceCallback): voidHow can I get rid of Twilio.Base showing up in the IDE and instead show:Twilio: const Twilio: TwilioTwilio.Device: (property) Twilio.Device: Twilio.Device 解决方案 I've taken a look at the API and I think the below should be a good starting point as an ambient declaration file.declare namespace Twilio { class Connection { // Constructor does not appear to be available to user. private constructor(); // Add Connection Methods and Properties Here } // Not immediately clear if Twilio.Device is a class or not. interface IDevice { setup(token, options); ready(handler); offline(handler); incoming(handler); connect(params) : Connection; // Add Remainder of Twilio.Device properties here. } /** * Twilio.Device appears to be a singleton object that * you don't instantiate yourself. You can use * the below to declare its presence. */ let Device : IDevice;}A few more notes:declare const Twilio: Twilio.Base;This is made redundant by the following namespace declaration, which has the effect of declaring the presence of a plain old JS object with the name and members you've declared.Export doesn't appear to have any function when declaring ambient classes/namespaces. It's only necessary if you're declaring a module with a default export member, or if you're writing a TS file and need to declare which classes and interfaces will be publicly accessible.EDIT : Callback Type for Device.ReadyIDevice has the ready method, which accepts an function argument that's passed an IDevice object, and isn't expected to return anything. The type signature for such a function is:(device : IDevice) => void;An inline declaration would be:ready((device : IDevice) => void) : void;Given that you're going to reuse this callback type a few times, you should create a type alias and then refer to it like so:type DeviceCallback = (device : IDevice) => void;interface IDevice { ... ready(handler: DeviceCallback) : void; offline(handler : DeviceCallback) : void; ...} 这篇关于如何在TypeScript中为Twilio全局JS库创建环境声明?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-22 06:51