

---ScrollView (Top,Bottom,Leading,Trailing spaces to superview set to 0)
----ContentView (Top,Bottom,Leading,Trailing spaces to superview set to 0, Width equals with View (ViewController's child))


If i set a specific height constraint for my content view (e.g. 1000) the ScrollView works fine, but i got a static ContentView of 1000, which is not my goal, because my contentView got dynamic content, so it should be the height the content needs.

如果我删除我的内容查看的高度约束,X code说:

If i delete the height constraint for my ContentView, Xcode says:

Missing Constraints:
ScrollView need constraints for: Y position or height

滚动型是在顶部和底部实际上牵制,所以我不知道为什么X $ C $Ç要对滚动型的高度约束......

ScrollView is actually pinned at top and bottom, so i don't know why Xcode want's a height constraint for the ScrollView...


How is the right way to go, when i want the ContentView height to be the height the content needs?



Whenever using ScrollView with auto layout always follow below steps,

  1. 滚动型约束:leadingSpace,topSpace,TrailingSpace,bottomSpace到上海华,并确保当你控制拖动来添加约束由pressing ALT添加它,这样的约束将无保证金设定

  1. ScrollView constraints: leadingSpace, topSpace, TrailingSpace, bottomSpace to superView and make sure when you control drag to add constraint add it by pressing alt so that the constraint would be set without margin.

leadingSpace,topSpace,trailingSpace,bottomSpace以滚动型无pressing ALT键,并设置为equalWidth滚动型。

Add UIView inside scroll view as content view and set its constraints:leadingSpace, topSpace, trailingSpace, bottomSpace to ScrollView without pressing alt button and set equalWidth to ScrollView.


Whatever views you add inside this content view must have top to bottom constraint that is all view's should have vertical constraint, so contentView can calculate height required for itself based on the content inside it.



ContainerView constraints:


10-30 13:06