




我想要的是 - 如果一个视图在清晰uiview下可以处理触摸事件(或任何类型的手势) - 清除视图应忽略该事件 - 事件将传递到可处理它的基础视图。


- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event






   - *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event 
UIView * v = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];

if(v == nil)
return nil;

return v;

//如果视图没有隐藏,但触摸返回了一个控件 - 比我们可以传递控件
if([v isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
return v;


CGFloat threshHold = 40;

threshHold = 30;
// return v;

if([self someCondition])
threshHold = 100;

//根据其位置的阈值 - 这是动态部分
if(point.y>(self.myTopView.frame.origin.y - threshold) )
return self.handleBarView;
return v;

I have a clear UIView which has gesture recognizers attached to it.

This clear uiview covers the entire super view to allow for the gestures to be invoked from anywhere on it.

Under this clear UIView sit different components such as tables,buttons,collectionview etc.

The clear UIView has no idea what is under it any time.

What I want - if a view which is under the clear uiview can handle a touch event (or any type of gesture) - the clear view should disregard that event - and the event will pass through to the underlying view which could handle it.

I tried

-(UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event

but I don't know how to make sure the underlying view can handle it.


I used some of these suggestions and used the following solution:

I added the gesture recognizer to the bottom most superview in the heirarchy (and not the top most)

Then in that class over rid

-(UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UIView *v = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];

    // if v is nil then touch wasn't in this view or its subviews
    if (v == nil)
        return nil;

    // in any case if the topview was hidden than return the default value
    if (self.myTopView.hidden)
        return v;

    // if the view isn't hidden but the touch returned a control - than we can pass the touch to the control
    if ([v isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        return v;

    // decide on what threshold to decide is a touch

    CGFloat threshHold = 40;

    // if the touch wasn't on a control but could initiate a gesture than that view should get the touch
    if (v.gestureRecognizers)
        threshHold = 30;
//        return v;

// check if the threshold should be bigger
    if ([self someCondition])
        threshHold = 100;

// threshold according to its position - this is the dynamic part
    if (point.y > (self.myTopView.frame.origin.y - threshold))
        return self.handleBarView;
    return v;


10-29 19:57