


I have a group of hosts named "db" with number of nodes that may vary. Each node has a fact ("seqno") which is an integer number.


I need to compare this fact among all hosts and choose maximum value, then run some actions on one (and only one) host that has this maximum value. In case of multiple nodes having the same value, first node should be chosen.


- name: find max seqno value
  set_fact: seqno_max={{ [hostvars[groups['db'][0]]['seqno'], hostvars[groups['db'][1]]['seqno']] | max }}

- name: find single hostname to use as a node with max seqno
  set_fact: seqno_max_host={{ hostvars[item]['inventory_hostname'] }}
  with_items: groups['db'][::-1] # reverse list. if two nodes have the same seqno, use first node as starting point.
  when: hostvars[item]['seqno'] == seqno_max

- name: Some actions based on a result of previous tasks
  action: # Run some actions
  when:  seqno_max_host == inventory_hostname


But for some reason "max" operator always return the second value. Also this approach is valid only if you have arbitrary specified number of hosts - I would like to have a solution that works for any number of hosts.

原来,hostvars将整数转换回字符串,因此,对它们进行比较会得出意外的结果.为 max 过滤器中的每个hostvars引用重新应用 int 过滤器有帮助.尽管如此,仍然存在问题,如何在上面修复代码以使其可用于任意数量的主机-是否有可能无需编写自定义过滤器或创建临时模板?

It turned out that hostvars converted integer back to string, so comparison of them gave unexpected results. Reapplying int filter for each hostvars reference inside max filter helped. Still, questions remains how to fix code above to make it work for any number of hosts - is it possible without writing custom filters or creating temporary templates?



I ended up with a solution which is not beautiful, but works.

- shell: "if [ {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['seqno'] }} -lt {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }} ]; then echo {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }}; fi"
  with_items: groups['db']
  register: result_c

- set_fact: seqno_max={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['seqno'] }}
  when: result_c.results | map(attribute='stdout') | join('') == ""


10-20 18:37