本文介绍了无法将参考从C#PCL添加到F#PCL(VS 2015 Update 1)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have problems creating F# portable project which than should be referenced from C# portable project. When adding such reference, the following message appears:

使用最新的Visual Studio 2015更新1(版本14.0.24720.00),很容易重现此问题.我还安装了Xamarin.

The problem is easily reproduced using latest Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 (version 14.0.24720.00). I also have Xamarin installed.


I can reproduce the problem using any kind of C# portable project with following available:

  • 类库(便携式)
  • 类库(可用于iOS,Android和Windows)


and with any kind of F# portable library project with following available:

  • 便携式库(.NET 4.5,Windows Store,Silverlight 5,Xamarin)[配置文件47]
  • 便携式库(.NET 4.5,Windows Store,Windows Phone 8 Silverlight,Xamarin)[配置文件78]
  • 便携式库(.NET 4.5,Windows Store,Windows Phone 8.1,Windows Phone Silverlight 8,Xamarin)[配置文件259]
  • 便携式库(.NET 4.5,Windows Store,Xamarin)[配置文件7]


I've used the same profiles for C# as for F# and nothing helps.


Seems like there already was a such issue before (How do I add a reference to F# Portable Library from C# Portable Class Library (PCL)) which then was successfully fixed. But it is now reproduced again.


Can somebody please tell me am I missing something? Maybe there is something which needs to be additionally installed or so?



I just had the same issue. I solved it with hacking the .csproj of my PCL. After that the F# PCL is referenced in the C# project and I can use everything. I don't know if there are any problems - I could not figure out any.


  • 新的C#项目(便携式类配置文件111)
  • 新的F#项目(便携式类概要7)
  • 查看F#.fsproj文件并复制"Project/PropertyGroup/ProjectId"的值
  • 编辑C#.csproj并添加以下项目组

  • new C# project (portable class profile 111)
  • new F# project (portable class profile 7)
  • look into F# .fsproj file and copy value of "Project/PropertyGroup/ProjectId"
  • edit C# .csproj and add following itemgroup

    <ProjectReference Include="..\F# Project\F# Project.fsproj">
        <Project>{F# Project Id}</Project>
        <Name>F# Project</Name>

我正在将Visual Studio 2015社区与Update 2一起使用

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community with Update 2

这篇关于无法将参考从C#PCL添加到F#PCL(VS 2015 Update 1)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-14 00:48