

我创造这个游戏的Andr​​oid和我对内存使用的几个问题。当我们被我们的无知之内的编码,我们有我们的应用程序使用40MB左右的内存,但认为做了一个测试手机死机(的Xperia ARC(什么东西,东西)),其中又以内存不足。然后,我们$ C $光盘,它聪明的内存,得到了约20万桶。我们有很多的一派,我们已经看到了人民张贴的大多数手机都限制在16 MB和其他32 MB。但我们也像愤怒的小鸟,它使用的是约129内存(其中的的Xperia弧崩溃超过32 MB与我们的应用程序正常工作)的其他应用程序进行比较。

I am creating this game for android and I have a few question about memory usage. When we were coding within our ignorance we had our app using about 40mb memory but that made a test phone crash (Xperia Arc (something, something)) which went out of memory. We then coded it smarter with the memory and got to about 20 mb. We have googled alot and we've seen peoples posting that most mobile phones are limited to 16 mb and others 32 mb. BUT, we've also compared with other applications like angry birds, which are using about 129 memory (which works fine on the Xperia arc that crashes over 32 mb with our app).

我的问题是,则:我们可以以某种方式得到使用更多的内存比16位/ 32 MB或如何使用的方式应用更多呢?

My question is then: can we somehow get to use more memory than 16 / 32 mb or how does the apps that uses way more do?

有人说你可以,如果真的使用其他进程来处理内存,并得到另一个16位/ 32 MB该进程。请问,对于一个一般的程序员是可行的?

Some people says that you can use other processes to handle memory and get another 16 / 32 mb for that process, if that true. Would that be doable for an average programmer?



put this in your manifest as application's attribute



for someone who will be looking for fast answer like me


11-01 16:42