



I'm having a problem with the request method, wherein all of my permissions requests result in:

Error: permissions.request may only be called from a user input handler

您可以在Firefox中通过调试任何插件或扩展并将其输入browser.permissions.request({origins: ["https://google.com/*"]})到控制台中来生成它.

You can produce this in firefox by debugging any addon or extension and entering browser.permissions.request({origins: ["https://google.com/*"]}) into the console.


I find it hard to swallow that a permissions request must always have a user input event callback in the parent stack trace. I'm using Vue.js, and my Permissions are due to user interaction, but my user interactions are decoupled from the events they trigger.

  • 什么算作user input handler?
  • 为什么它会这样工作?
  • 有一个好的解决方法吗?



I'd like to add onto Andrew's answer with some code examples.


As it turns out, promise chains destroy the browser's notion of what is and isn't triggered by a user input handler. Take the code below, for example:

document.getElementById('foo').addEventListener('click', event => {
  browser.permissions.request({origins: ["https://google.com/*"]})

此代码可以正常工作.我最初以为Vue.js独特的事件处理框架正在吞噬我的浏览器事件",例如执行<div @click="somefunc"></div>时.只要您将权限请求放在somefunc中,这实际上就可以正常工作.

This code works as expected. I originally assumed that it was Vue.js's unique event handling framework that was eating my "browser events", such as when you do <div @click="somefunc"></div>. This actually works just fine, as long as you put your permissions request in somefunc.


Now it gets fun. If you replace your permissions request with a promise that resolves and then does a permissions request, VIOLA!

Promise.resolve('foobar').then(foobar => {
    browser.permissions.request({origins: ["https://google.com/*"]})


Error: permissions.request may only be called from a user input handler


I'm going to guess it has to do with stack traces. Firefox can't detect that a permission came from a stack with a user input event at the root if the permissions request happens in a promise chain.

我认为这是一个非常糟糕的设计选择.我的应用程序很大(> 4K LoC),并且为了使其简单起见,我依赖于Promise链来使意大利面条远离.这削弱了我编写干净代码的能力,结果,我不再要求optional_permissions,而是仅在需要时提示用户许可,而在安装时过度允许.

I consider this to be a pretty egregious design choice. My app is large (>4K LoC) and to keep it simple I rely on promise chains to keep the spaghetti away. This has crippled my ability to write clean code, and as a result, I've moved from asking for optional_permissions and then prompting the user for permissions only when needed to just being overly permissive at the time of installation.


GG, Firefox.


10-30 09:58