

我有 TcpListener 类,并且正在使用 async / await 进行读写。

I have TcpListener class and I'm using async/await reading and writing.


For this server I have created single database instance where I have prepared all database queries.

但是对于多个 TcpClient 我一直在收到异常:

But for more then one TcpClient I'm keep getting exception:

其他信息:已经有一个打开的 DataReader
与此 Connection 必须先关闭。

Additional information: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.

如果我理解正确,那么一次只能进行一个数据库查询,一个以上的 async 客户端是一个问题。

If I understand it correctly there can't be more then one database query at time which is problem with more then one async client.


So I simply added locks in my queries like this and everything seems fine.

   // One MySqlConnection instance for whole program.

   lock (thisLock)
    var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();

    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Count(*) FROM logins WHERE username = @user AND password = @pass";
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", username);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pass", password);

    var count = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
    return count > 0;

我也尝试过使用uses方法为每个查询创建新连接, SO社区的某人提到过,但是此方法比锁慢得多:

I have also try the method with usings which create new connection for every query as mentioned from someone of SO community but this method is much more slower than locks:

    using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionString))
        connection.Open();   // This takes +- 35ms and makes worse performance than locks

        using (MySqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Count(*) FROM logins WHERE username = @user AND password = @pass";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", username);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pass", password);

            int count = int.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
            return count > 0;

我使用Stopwatch对这种方法和查询进行了基准测试与锁的连接在+-20ms内执行,这是+-仅网络延迟,但由于 .Open()方法需要+-35ms,因此使用时为+-55ms。

I used Stopwatch to benchmarks this methods and queries with one connection with locks are performed in +- 20ms which is +- only delay of network but with usings it is +- 55ms because of .Open() method which takes +- 35ms.


Why a lot of people use method with usings if there is much worse performance? Or am I doing something wrong?



You're right, opening connection is a time-consuming operation. To mitigate this, ADO.NET has Connection pooling. Check this article for details.

如果继续进行性能测试并检查后续连接的时间,则应该看到 connection.Open()改善并接近于0 ms,因为连接实际上是从Pool中获取的。

If you go on with your performance test and check timings for subsequent connections, you should see that time for connection.Open() improves and gets close to 0 ms because connections are actually taken from the Pool.


With your lock implementation, you actually use connection pool with just one connection. While this approach could show better performance within a trivial test, it will show very poor results in highly loaded applications.


10-31 10:41