


T* tContainer_t<T, R>::Remove( T item )
    typename R::const_iterator it = std::find_if(Container.begin(), Container.end(),  [item](const T* v) { return std::fabs(*v - item) < DBL_EPSILON; });
    if (it != Container.end())
        return NULL;

T 可以是 int double float 等.



What's the problem and how can it be solved ?



在C ++中, float double long double 的三个 std :: fabs 重载

There are three overloads of std::fabs in C++ for float, double, and long double.

如果尝试使用类型为 int 的参数调用 std :: fabs ,由于重载歧义,您将收到编译错误. int 参数平等地匹配所有三个可用的重载.

If you try to call std::fabs with an argument of type int, you will get a compilation error due to an overload ambiguity. An int argument matches all three of the available overloads equally.

您可以将参数转换为已知类型(例如 double long double ),这可以解决歧义,或者可以将调用包装到模板中的fabs 对整数类型的参数进行歧义消除.

You could cast the argument to a known type (e.g. double or long double), which would resolve the ambiguity, or you could wrap the call to fabs in a template that performs disambiguation for integer-type arguments.

或者,C ++具有 std :: abs ,对于整数和浮点类型(在< cmath> < cstdlib>中声明; ).此外,如果您最近有一个实现C ++ 11的标准库实现,则使用整数类型参数调用 std :: fabs 会将其自动转换为 double ,因此没有歧义.

Alternatively, C++ has std::abs, which is overloaded for both integer and floating point types (declared in <cmath> and <cstdlib>). Further, if you have a recent Standard Library implementation that implements C++11, a call to std::fabs with an integer type argument will automatically convert the argument to type double, so there is no ambiguity.


07-02 08:16