本文介绍了通过绑定更新listview(绑定初学者)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我差点儿,但不完全: 我有一个列表视图绑定到一个observablecollection。我想在更改集合后更新UI,现在它不起作用。基本上我有一个列表视图和一个按钮。按下按钮后,新项目将添加到集合中,但UI保持不变。有人能指出我正确的方向吗? 谢谢。 XAML: < 窗口 xmlns = http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation xmlns:x = http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx / 2006 / xaml xmlns:c = clr-namespace:StructureItems.SList x:Class = MainWindow 标题 = MainWindow 高度 = 350 宽度 = 525 已加载 = Window_Loaded > < Window.Resources > < c:ItemList x:键 = SList / > < ; / Window.Resources > < 网格 > < 按钮 内容 = 按钮 Horizo​​ntalAlignment = 左 保证金 = 274,17,0,0 VerticalAlignment = Top 宽度 = 75 点击 = Button_Click / > < ListView 姓名 = LV Horizo​​ntalAlignment = 左 高度 = 300 保证金 = 10,10,0,0 VerticalAlignment = Top 宽度 = 229 ItemsSource = {StaticResource SList} > < ListView.View > < GridView > < GridViewColumn 标题 = 代码 DisplayMemberBinding = {Binding Code} 宽度 = 50 / > < GridViewColumn 标题 = 描述 DisplayMemberBinding = {Binding Description} / > < / GridView > < / ListView.View > < / ListView > < / Grid > < / Window > ; 课程 命名空间 SList 公共 类 ItemList 继承 ObservableCollection( StructureItem) 公开 Sub 新() MyBase .Add( New StructureItem( A01, Arcade)) MyBase .Add( New StructureItem( A02, Autentica)) MyBase .Add( New StructureItem( A03, Belface)) MyBase .Add( New StructureItem( A04, Heering)) 结束 Sub 公共 重载 Sub 添加(代码 As 字符串,说明作为 字符串) MyBase .Add( New StructureItem(代码,描述)) 结束 Sub 结束 类 公开 类 StructureItem 实现 INotifyPropertyChanged 公共 事件 PropertyChanged 作为 PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged Private _code As 字符串 私有 _description 作为 String 公开 Sub 新( ByVal 首先作为 字符串, ByVal last 作为 字符串) 我._code = first Me ._ description = last End Sub Public Property 代码()作为 字符串 获取 返回 我 ._ code 结束 获取 设置( ByVal 值作为 字符串) 我 ._ code = value OnPropertyChanged( 代码) 结束 设置 结束 属性 公共 属性描述()作为 字符串 获取 返回 我 ._ description 结束 获取 设置( ByVal 值作为 字符串) 我。 _description = value OnPropertyChanged( Description) 结束 设置 结束 属性 受保护的 Sub OnPropertyChanged( ByVal name As String ) RaiseEvent PropertyChanged( Me ,新 PropertyC hangedEventArgs(name)) 结束 Sub 结束 类 结束 命名空间 代码落后 Imports StructureItems.SList 类 MainWindow Dim _item 作为 新 ItemList 私有 Sub Button_Click(发件人 As 对象,e As RoutedEventArgs) _item.Add( A05, 已更新_) 结束 Sub 结束 类 解决方案 你需要在主窗口中添加一个构造函数,然后在构造函数中设置DataContext: 我 .DataContext = 我 或类似的东西。我是C#程序员,忘了VB。 I'm almost there, but not completely :i have a listview binded to an observablecollection. I want the UI updated after i change the collection, and it does not work now. basically i have a listview and a button. After pressing the button a new item is added to the collection, but the UI stays the same. can someone points me to the right direction ?thanks.XAML :<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:c="clr-namespace:StructureItems.SList" x:Class="MainWindow" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" Loaded="Window_Loaded"><Window.Resources> <c:ItemList x:Key="SList"/> </Window.Resources> <Grid> <Button Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="274,17,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click"/> <ListView Name="LV" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="300" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="229" ItemsSource="{StaticResource SList}"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="Code" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Code}" Width="50"/> <GridViewColumn Header="Description" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Description}"/> </GridView> </ListView.View> </ListView> </Grid></Window>ClassesNamespace SList Public Class ItemList Inherits ObservableCollection(Of StructureItem) Public Sub New() MyBase.Add(New StructureItem("A01", "Arcade")) MyBase.Add(New StructureItem("A02", "Autentica")) MyBase.Add(New StructureItem("A03", "Belface")) MyBase.Add(New StructureItem("A04", "Heering")) End Sub Public Overloads Sub Add(code As String, description As String) MyBase.Add(New StructureItem(code, description)) End Sub End Class Public Class StructureItem Implements INotifyPropertyChanged Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged Private _code As String Private _description As String Public Sub New(ByVal first As String, ByVal last As String) Me._code = first Me._description = last End Sub Public Property Code() As String Get Return Me._code End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me._code = value OnPropertyChanged("Code") End Set End Property Public Property Description() As String Get Return Me._description End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me._description = value OnPropertyChanged("Description") End Set End Property Protected Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal name As String) RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)) End Sub End ClassEnd Namespacecode behindImports StructureItems.SListClass MainWindow Dim _item As New ItemList Private Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) _item.Add("A05", "Updated_") End SubEnd Class 解决方案 You need to add a constructor to your mainwindow, and then in the constructor you need to set the DataContext :Me.DataContext = MeOr something like that. I am a C# programmer and have forgotten VB. 这篇关于通过绑定更新listview(绑定初学者)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-29 22:46