

有一个在sql server 2000中建立的数据库,并且有很多表.
我和客户端也都在使用DSL Internet.

I am student of bachelor of computer science. I am working on a software .I am using a computer language vb.net. I am working on software that is Accounts Software there a database and some forms.
There is a database which is made in sql server 2000 and there are many tables.
My question is that I make that software for a Client and database will be attached in my computer.
Both are using DSL internet me and Client too.
I want to that when my Client open that software and then he work in the software then he save record so it saved in my computer database.
Please tell me complete way of that.
I saw software same as there is a bat format file I have to run first it then it successful then I can open software.
There is bellow my connection which is I am using in my software please tell me about it please.

Public Function connection() As SqlConnection

con = New SqlConnection("server=(local);database=shaan;integrated security=true")

        Return con
    End Function



This is just use when software is running in my own computer but what will be connection when my Client will use software and he is also using DSL internet connection so how can create connection between server and Client

Client send request to server


Data Source=Your Public IP Address,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=YouDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;


11-02 04:28