

我在C ++(目前)初学者程序员,我有一个概念上的问题。

I'm a beginner programmer in C++ (currently), and I've got a conceptual question.


I'm trying to filter a cin input to ensure that it is a one-or-two-digit integer between 01-04, and if it isn't, to produce an error and ask for a new input.


I'm also using map to give the user a list of options that, upon valid selection, routes inputs (integers) through any of several methods to produce a relevant result, but I'll ask a more specific version of this question elsewhere.


I found a snippet of code at http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/26821/ that is meant to validate an input. I sort of get it, except where the boolean condition is set inside the while loop. Because I don't understand it, it makes it very difficult to edit or make sure that I'm manipulating it right.


int main()
    int num;
    bool valid = false;

    while (!valid)
        valid = true; //Assume the cin will be an integer.

        cout << "Enter an integer value: " << endl;
        cin >> num;

        if(cin.fail()) //cin.fail() checks to see if the value in the cin
                    //stream is the correct type, if not it returns true,
                    //false otherwise.
            cin.clear(); //This corrects the stream.
            cin.ignore(); //This skips the left over stream data.
            cout << "Please enter an Integer only." << endl;
            valid = false; //The cin was not an integer so try again.

    cout << "You entered: " << num << endl;

    return 0;


And here is my code (the entire thing, to give context). I don't think it's complete, I just want to make sure I'm using the boolean right.

float _tmain(float argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    bool validInput = !true;

    map<string,int> Operations;
    Operations.insert(pair<string, int>("Addition", 01));
    Operations.insert(pair<string, int>("Subtraction", 02));
    Operations.insert(pair<string, int>("Multiplication", 03));
    Operations.insert(pair<string, int>("Division", 04));

    cout << "Welcome to OneOpCalc, what operation would you like to perform?" << endl;

    for(map<string, int>::iterator ii=Operations.begin(); ii!=Operations.end(); ++ii)
        cout << (*ii).second << ": " << (*ii).first << endl;

    while (!validInput)
        cin >> operatorSelection;

        if (cin.fail() || operatorSelection < 4 || operatorSelection > 1)
            cout << "Error: Invalid selection. Please choose a valid number." << endl << endl;


Does while (!valid) mean "While valid is false"? In my head, it's saying "While valid is !valid", which obviously, would always be false.

编辑:感谢球员,我期待通过他们所有的答案。一个答案我一直得到那张过于笼统;我明白那个 !是不是,我理解翻转使用它的布尔的概念。然而,隐含的逻辑含义是什么让我困惑。在任何给定的声明,我习惯了的思维有效作为翻转有效价值的一种方式!;未测试的条件。它是用它来测试一个条件,即招数我的语法。换句话说,写而(!有效)字面上读我为而(NOTvalid),而不是而(有效== FALSE)。我不能让自己明白,为什么在这种情况下,!有效读为条件,而不是只是有点翻转。

Thanks for the answers guys, I'm looking through them all. One answer I keep getting goes too general; I understand that ! is NOT, and I understand the concept of flipping the bool using it. However the implicit logical implications are what confuse me. In any given statement, I am used to thinking of !valid as a way of flipping the valid value; Not testing a condition. It's the syntax of using it to test a condition that tricks me. In other words, writing while(!valid) reads literally to me as while(NOTvalid), not while(valid==false). I can't get myself to understand why in this case, !valid reads as a condition and not just a bit-flip.


循环(和IFS)按类型的前pression controled 布尔

Loops (and ifs) are controled by an expression of type bool.In while ( !valid ), the expression is !valid, the operatornot applied to the value of the variable valid.while ( !valid ) means (literally) while the expression!valid (which means "not valid") is true.


For the rest, the code you're copying is pretty bad. I wouldn'tuse it as an example if I were you.


  • _tmain 非常特别的微软。你不想来
    (同样的事情适用于 _TCHAR ,而不是字符

  • _tmain is very particular to Microsoft. You don't want touse it. If your writing a console application, just use main.(Same thing holds for _TCHAR, rather than char.)

无论是 _tmain 也不可以返回浮动。回报
主要类型应始终 INT 。我不熟悉
_tmain ,但它要么 INT 无效。 (大概 INT ,如果

Neither _tmain nor main can return a float. The returntype of main should always be int. I'm less familiar with_tmain, but it's either int or void. (Probably int, ifyou're in a console mode program.)

!真。总是。 (编程比不同

!true is false. Always. (Programming is different thanthe real world. There are no maybes.) Why be morecomplicated than necessary?


There's no need for the flag variable at all. Youcan just write:

CIN >> operatorSelection;
而(CIN || operatorSelection> 4 || operatorSelection&LT;!1){
    // ...

cin >> operatorSelection;while ( !cin || operatorSelection > 4 || operatorSelection < 1 ) { // ...}

的std :: cin.ignore(的std :: numeric_limits&LT;的std :: streamsize可&GT; :: MAX());

In case of error, you currently only ignore a singlecharacter. You probably want to ignore up to and including theend of line.(std::cin.ignore( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max() );.

而在你的,如果将​​永远是真实的情况。 (见我

And the condition in your if will always be true. (See myversion above.) Where do you expect to find a number which isneither less than for nor greater than one?


09-27 03:08