


I have an app with a UITabBarController and four different tabs. Three of these tabs are tables which you can click on each row and it would take you to another view.

我该如何在导航方面实现呢?我应该创建一个UITabBarController并将导航控制器作为选项卡(如图1所示)还是将View Controller作为选项卡(如图2所示),并且每个View Controller都具有自己的Navigation Controller属性吗?

How would I implement that in terms of navigation? Should I create a UITabBarController with Navigation Controllers as tabs (as shown in image 1) or with View Controllers as tabs (as shown in image 2) with each View Controller having its own Navigation Controller property?




I tried both but its not working well and its confusing. I'd like to know which is more appropriate so I can focus on that method and then see why it's not working.


您建议的第一种方法是 only 方法.视图控制器具有navigationController属性,但是仅当您的视图控制器当前包含在父导航控制器中时,它才会返回某些内容.

The first method you propose is the only method. View controllers have a navigationController property, but it will only return something if your view controller is currently contained within a parent navigation controller.


So to be clear: you should have a UITabBarController which contains your navigation controllers, one navigation controller for each tab that you want to have a navigation hierarchy in.


10-29 22:11