

为什么我不能使用 dynamic object 参数重载方法.

Why I cant overload Method with dynamic and object Parameters.

void Method(dynamic arg) // Member with same signature is already declared
void Method(object arg) // Member with same signature is already declared
    Console.WriteLine("Not Dynamic");

但是我可以使用 dynamic 和另一种类型的 except 对象重载Method或自行将其动态重载.

But I can overload Method with dynamic and another type except object or dynamic it self.

void Method(dynamic arg)
void Method(string arg)
    Console.WriteLine("Not Dynamic");


As you can see in the first example compiler can't discriminate two overloads.


I think the second example should not work too because string can be send to both overloads. However Compiler Prefers to call the overload with known type.


I've done some test to see how actually it works.

Method("");          // Prints: Not Dynamic
Method((dynamic)""); // Prints: Not Dynamic
Method(null);        // Prints: Not Dynamic
Method(???);         // Dynamic for any other type except string and null.


Consider first example works and compiler would decide like this:

Method(new object());// Prints: Not Dynamic
Method((object)5);   // Prints: Not Dynamic
Method(???);          // Prints: Dynamic for any other type except object and null.


So where is the confusion to the compiler? Why I cant have such overloads?


根据C#5.0规范, 4.7动态类型:

From the C# 5.0 specification, 4.7 The dynamic type:

实际上,一旦编译了代码,以 dynamic 作为参数的方法实际上与使用 object 声明相同方法的方法相同.只是在方法内部,可以动态地使用 dynamic 参数(即与运行时绑定一起使用).

In fact, once your code is compiled, a method having dynamic as a parameter is effectively the same as if that same method were declared using object. It's simply that inside the method, the dynamic parameter can be used dynamically (i.e. with run-time binding).

因此,您的第一个示例方法对本质上与您用参数类型为 object 的两个方法声明的相同.

Because of this, your first example pair of methods is essentially the same as if you'd declared both methods with the parameter type of object.

在第二个示例中,就像您可以重载一样,其中一个重载的参数为 object ,而另一个重载的参数为 string ,因此您也可以将一个方法配对使用 dynamic 和使用 string 的同名方法.

In your second example, just as you can have overloads where one has a parameter of object and the other a parameter of string, so too can you pair a method using dynamic with a method of the same name using string.

根据C#的重载解析规则(也在规范中),只要方法参数列表的不同方式允许将一种方法重载选择为最佳"重载,则不会发生编译时错误.在您的特定示例中,将 string 以外的任何其他内容传递给该方法会自动排除以 string 作为参数的方法.如果您确实传递了 string ,则重载解析规则将 string 重载选择为最佳"重载,因此不会发生编译错误.

Per the overload resolution rules for C# (also in the specification), as long as the method parameter lists are different in ways that allow one method overload to be chosen as the "best" overload, no compile-time error will occur. In your specific example, passing anything other than a string to the method automatically excludes the method with string as a parameter. In the case where you do pass string, the overload resolution rules select the string overload as the "best" overload, so no compile error occurs.


10-10 23:53