

在此对象内,我有一个属性Response.action,该属性旨在同时触发jQuery的.ready.resize上的代码.下面的代码块中的注释演示了其用法. Response.action.ready上有效,但在.resize上无效.谁能看到原因和/或建议如何使其同时适用于两者?

Inside this object, I have a property Response.action that is meant to be a shorthand for triggering code on jQuery's .ready and .resize simultaneously. The comment in the code block below demonstrates its usage. Response.action works on .ready but not on .resize. Can anyone see why and/or suggest how to make it work for both?

window.Response = (function($, window, undefined) {

    var Response = {},  // object
        $window = $(window),
        $document = $(document); // cache selectors 

    This triggers code on .ready *and* .resize 
                Response.action( myactions );
                function myactions() { 
                    // do stuff
    action = function( code ) { 

        var code = ( code !== undefined ) ? wrap() : false; // apply wrap() if we have code

        function wrap() {
            $document.ready(function() {
                $window.resize(function() {
                    code // input
                }).resize(); // trigger resize handlers
            }); // close .ready function

        return code; // wrapped code fires on .ready and .resize
    Response.action = action;

    return Response; // return object

})(jQuery, window); // expose to global object

这是针对 responsejs.com 的-完整的lib(进行中)在那里.

This is for responsejs.com - the full lib (in progress) is there.

我正在使用其他属性之一进行测试. .band属性本身是可靠的:

I'm using one of the other properties to test it. The .band property is solid on its own:

Response.action( myactions() );
function myactions() { 
        if ( Response.band(600) ) { $('header').html('600px or wider'); }
        else { $('header').html('below 600px');  }


Response.action =函数(func){ if(typeof func!=='function'){返回false; }

Response.action = function ( func ) { if ( typeof func !== 'function' ) { return false; }

$(function () {
    $window.resize( func );

return func;



Response.action( myactions );
function myactions() { 
        // do stuff


*Note that in the call it needs to be myactions as opposed to myactions()



window.Response = (function ( $, window, undefined ) {

    var Response = {};

    Response.action = function ( func ) {
        if ( typeof func !== 'function' ) { return false; }

        $(function () {
            $( window ).resize( func );

        return func;

    return Response;

})( jQuery , window );


10-28 12:02