




(这是所有与约持续通知的ID。当我的应用程序是不是一个问题(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11376294/do-i-need-to-persist-my-notification-ids)在前台运行和两个报警分开走了一分钟,我通知的ID存储在一个静态的ArrayList,在第二个通知创造看来我的通知创造者类仍占据第一通知的ID ArrayList中使用调试器。这表明这个过程生活在第一和第二报警器响了的。)


Given your avatar, you have a spot o' tea. Or perhaps a pint, depending on time of day and beverage preference.


Probably not.

Yes. Android terminates processes when it needs RAM to start up other processes. If your process has no running components, it will be relatively high on the list of processes to be terminated. So, your process may not live terribly long, but there is no immediate causal relationship between your BroadcastReceiver ending and the process being terminated.

With only a minute between alarms, it is reasonable that your process might stick around, but that is not guaranteed. Of course, running an alarm every minute constantly is unlikely to make you very popular, so make sure the user has some control over this behavior (e.g., can stop your app outright, can modify the polling period).


09-13 22:47