

因此,压缩过程将获取二进制数据 A 块,并输出较小二进制数据 B B 的什么特征使其无法再次通过此过程?

So the compression process takes a chunk of binary data A and outputs a smaller chunk of binary data B. What characteristics of B make it unable to go through this process again?


10101010101010101010 的熵很低,因为您不需要下一点就知道接下来会发生什么。完美的压缩算法可以将熵压缩到最大,因此每一位都可以提供信息,因此无法删除,从而使大小最小。

Data has something called entropy: the amount of new information each new bit gives. For example, 10101010101010101010 has low entropy because you don't need the next bit to know what comes next. A perfect compression algorithm would compress to maximum entropy, so every bit gives information and so cannot be removed, making the size a minimum.


07-23 17:51