本文介绍了加载依赖prevent Assembly.GetTypes()的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have assembly A referencing assembly B. They are located in the same directory.

Type[] types = null;
  Assembly a = Assembly.Load("A.dll");
  types = a.GetTypes(); // loads B implicitly.
catch(ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
  types = ex.Types.Where(x=>x!=null);

我如何从prevent B移动装?我想GetTypes()来运行,如果B为不可用,并仅返回可用的类型和无效的为不可用,所以我可以执行 ex.Types.where(X =>!x = NULL);

How do I prevent B from being loaded? I want GetTypes() to run as if B wasn't available and to return only available types and null's for not available so I could execute ex.Types.where(x=>x!=null);

我想要使用的伎俩<一href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7889228/how-to-$p$pvent-reflectiontypeloadexception-when-calling-assembly-gettypes">How以prevent ReflectionTypeLoadException调用Assembly.GetTypes时()


This way I can get only types that don't depend on B and work with them.



I loaded A in the reflection as well as in the normal context. I used the reflection context A for calling GetTypes(). After getting types from the reflection context assembly, I had another problem. When I called Type.GetCustomAttributes(), I received the following exception

这是非法的,以反映在Type通过加载自定义属性  ReflectionOnlyGetType(见Assembly.ReflectionOnly) - 使用  一个CustomAttributeData代替。


I solved it by getting the same type from the normal context assembly.

//... code omited for brevity
Type reflectionType = reflectionAssembly.GetTypes()[0];
//... code omited for brevity
Type goodType = normalAssembly.GetType(reflectionType.FullName);


This way I prevented loading of B and used types from A independent from B.


看看使用 Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad()看起来不加载的依赖。不知道这是否会返回引用的依赖或没有,因为我还没有尝试过这样做的类型。

look at using Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad() which looks to not load dependencies. not sure if it will return types that reference that dependency or not as i've not tried to do it before.

这篇关于加载依赖prevent Assembly.GetTypes()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-26 22:00