


I have my login and registration forms in elements that reference the users controller and login() and register() actions. When I use this element in a modal or on a page controller action, for example, it redirects to the login/registration action page (rather than update the element), when the user has validation errors (model validation, that is).

我意识到我可以使用Javascript / JQuery验证,但是有什么方法让CakePHP的模型验证更新元素,而不是在错误发生时重定向到原始操作的页面?

I realize that I could use Javascript/JQuery validation, but is there any way to have CakePHP's model validation update the element rather than redirect to the original action's page when errors occur?


我已经通过。设置它的方法是在 UsersController 中包含 PersistentValidation 组件,以及任何其他控制器计划包括登录/注册元素。

I've solved this issue in the past with this PersistentValidation component. The way you set it up is by including the PersistentValidation component in your UsersController, and any other controller where you're planning to include the login/register elements.


Your login/registration forms would submit to their respective controller actions. If validation fails, the action would redirect back to the referring page. For example:

if (!$validated) {


The view invoked by the action to which you redirect will be automagically seeded with the validation errors from the previous request.


This works, behind-the-scenes, by storing the validation errors in a session variable, and retrieving these errors after the redirect, making them available for the current request's views/elements. You could do this yourself, but the component makes it very painless to use.


10-22 04:42