


  func testBytes< T:IntegerType>(bytesIn:[UInt8],inout dataOut :T){

let outputSize = sizeof(T)
var temp:T = 0
dataOut = 0
temp = bytesIn [0] as T
temp = temp<< 1



我可以将最后一行更改为 temp = temp<< (1 as T)




$ b

  1. 使用bitshift运算符和一个来自 UInt8

     协议BitshiftOperationsType {
    func< ; Self
    func>>(lhs:Self,rhs:Self) - > Self
    init(_ val:UInt8)

  2. Declare符合每个整数类型的扩展 - 很容易,因为它们已经实现了 BitshiftOperationsType 中的所有内容:

     扩展Int:BitshiftOperationsType {} 
    扩展Int8:BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展Int16:BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展Int32:BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展Int64: BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展UInt:BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展UInt8:BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展UInt16:BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展UInt32:BitshiftOperationsType {}
    扩展UInt64: BitshiftOperationsType {}

  3. 添加一个通用约束,使 T 符合你的新协议:

      func testBytes< T:IntegerType其中T:BitshiftOperationsType>(bytesIn:[UInt8 ],inout dataOut:T){
    让outputSize = sizeof(T)
    var temp:T = 0
    dataOut = 0
    temp = T(bytesIn [0])
    temp = temp<< 1


I am trying to write a generic function that requires bit shifting operations. I am getting behavior that I don't understand. Here is a simple function that demonstrates the problem.

func testBytes<T: IntegerType>(bytesIn: [UInt8], inout dataOut: T){

let outputSize = sizeof(T)
var temp: T = 0
dataOut = 0
temp = bytesIn[0] as T
temp = temp << 1


If I do this, then the last line gives me an error in xcode "T is not convertible to Int".

I can change the last line to temp = temp << (1 as T)

And then the error for this line changes to "T is not convertible to UInt8"

Neither one of these error messages make sense to me in this context. Is there something I can do to enable bit shifting on a generic type?


I have a blog post on this topic that goes into more detail, but essentially there are three steps:

  1. Create a new protocol with the bitshift operators and a constructor from UInt8:

    protocol BitshiftOperationsType {
        func <<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
        func >>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
        init(_ val: UInt8)

  2. Declare conformance with an extension on each of the integer types - easy since they already implement everything in BitshiftOperationsType:

    extension Int    : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension Int8   : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension Int16  : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension Int32  : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension Int64  : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension UInt   : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension UInt8  : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension UInt16 : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension UInt32 : BitshiftOperationsType {}
    extension UInt64 : BitshiftOperationsType {}

  3. Add a generic constraint so T conforms to your new protocol:

    func testBytes<T: IntegerType where T: BitshiftOperationsType>(bytesIn: [UInt8], inout dataOut: T){
        let outputSize = sizeof(T)
        var temp: T = 0
        dataOut = 0
        temp = T(bytesIn[0])
        temp = temp << 1

Thanks to Martin R. for the fix for the gross bit I had here before!


10-26 22:50