


根据GOF 工厂方法 pattern

动机客户端是在Base Factory中获取一个方法,该方法取决于具体类现在不知道的对象(在这种情况下,在向客户端提供软件时,它将会或者客户自己编写具体的实现,最有可能在框架的情况下)。未知(或可能更改)产品提供抽象类型:IP产品,并设定合同,以后产品的任何实施必须实现此接口。


  package com.companyx; 
public interface IProduct {
public void serve();


  package com.companyx; 
public abstract class Factory {
public abstract IProduct createProduct();
private void performCriticalJob(){
IProduct product = createProduct();
public void executeJob(){
// some code


  package com.companyx; 
class AppAProductFeatureX实现IProduct {
public void serve(){
// some code


  package com.companyx; 
public class AppAFeatureXProductFactory extends Factory {
public IProduct createProduct(){

客户端代码 p>

  package com.clientcompany; 
import com.companyx.AppAFeatureXProductFactory;
import com.companyx.Factory;
public class Client {
public static void main(String [] args){
Factory fact = new AppAFeatureXProductFactory();

根据GOF 抽象工厂模式



  package com.companyb; 
public interface IProductA {
public void performAJob();


  package com.companyb; 
public class ProductAVersion1实现IProductA {
public void performAJob(){


  package com.companyb; 
public interface IFactory {
public IProductA createProduct();

Factory o创建ProductA的具体实现

package com.companyb;

  public class FactoryA实现IFactory {
public IProductA createProduct(){
return new ProductAVersion1(); //具体类的产品隐藏


  package com.clientcompany.productprovider; 
import com.companyb.IFactory;
import com.companyb.IProductA;
public class SomeClientClass {
private IFactory factory;

public void doSomeJobWithProductA(){
// some code
// someCode();
public void setFactory(IFactory factory){
this.factory = factory;
this.product = factory.createProduct();

import com.companyb.FactoryA;
public class SomeOtherClientCode {
public static void main(String [] args){
SomeClientClass someClientClass = new SomeClientClass();
someClientClass.setFactory(new FactoryA());

Q1 :是抽象工厂模式中必需的相关产品系列,如果只有一种产品(如上)有各种子类型,但不是各种相关类型,这种模式是否仍然相关?

Q2 以上我的理解是否正确?

Q3 以上是我心中的另一个疑问:工厂方法更适合于框架(客户端可以实现产品),就像模板方法模式一样,工厂调用 createProduct()具体实现形式由用户提供Concrete Factory实现?


我很难进入你的鞋子。但我对这个问题很感兴趣,所以我会试一试。这里涉及的概念如 library 框架工厂方法抽象工厂产品系列等。

库vs框架与工厂,抽象工厂或任何模式完全没有任何关系。图书馆与框架辩论不是从模式发挥的实现角度出发。例如,JUnit是一个带有丰富的断言库的框架。那么junit是否比其他内部实现更喜欢一种模式? Java本身是一个附带JCL库的框架。类似于java的DotNet甚至称之为框架,并且包含BCL库。所以在实现上下文中没有更多的框架与图书馆辩论。


在输入任何代码(无论框架或库状态)时,有时我们需要获取实例的一些对象。可能我们需要一个 BufferedReader 。如果在编译时,我们绝对确定对象的具体类, KISS 它,并与 ing一起运行。

我们可能不知道实例的具体类。现在问问一下,客户端代码是否具有此信息?如果客户端代码知道实际的具体类,但是我不知道那么我们使用 FactoryMethod 模式。我正在输入的代码将在(说)其参数列表中询问工厂对象的实例。知道实际具体类的客户端代码将提供将创建的工厂对象。这种情况的例子见于 JDBC ,就像我们要处理一个sql语句一样。在编译时,我们不知道是否应该实例化一个 mysql.JDBC4PreparedStatement 或一个 microsoft.SQLServerStatement 。这取决于连接字符串,这取决于最终用户。所以我们得到一个 Connection 实例,并请求它到 createStatement()。请参阅,我们将类型为 sql.Statement 的对象的构造委托给 sql.Connection 的子类。这里的 conn 实例是工厂对象。我们如何掌握工厂是无关紧要的,只是我们从客户端代码获得。

如果我们需要一个进程对象,在编译时,我们不知道它是否将是一个 Win32Process UnixProcess ,我们将其创建的责任委托给与工厂模式相关的 ProcessBuilder ,这是构建器模式 。对于 jdbc ConnectionManager 也是如此。

如果有许多不同的类不相关,但是由 family 我们可以使用 AbstractFactory 。例如,使用jdbc的点对点对象 DbProviderFactory 。我的代码需要 Connection Command DataReader 等等的实例它们与MySql或SqlServer的继承而不是由 family 相关。所以我们得到一个 DbProviderFactory 的子类的实例。可能是一个 MySqlProviderFactory 或一个 SqlProviderFactory ,这取决于运行时和客户端代码。一旦我们有了这个工厂,我们可以执行 CreateCommand() CreateConnection()等。


Both Abstract Factory and Factory method patterns are creational design patterns which solves the object creation issues in different scenarios.

As per GOF Factory Method pattern

My Understanding : Motive of the Client is to get a method present in the base Factory class get executed which is dependent upon an object whose concrete class is not known now (In such a case, either during providing the software to client, it will be defined, or it will be the client himself writing the concrete implementation, most likely in case of Framework). The not known (or likely to change) Product is provided an abstract type : IProduct, and setting a contract that in future any implementation for Product must implement this interface.

IProduct interface

package com.companyx;
public interface IProduct {
    public void serve();

Factory class with 'a method' which needs to be executed

package com.companyx;
public abstract class Factory {
    public abstract IProduct createProduct();
    private void performCriticalJob(){
        IProduct product = createProduct();
    public void executeJob(){
        //some code
        //some more code

Some concrete Product

package com.companyx;
class AppAProductFeatureX implements IProduct{
    public void serve() {
        //some code

Factory of the concrete Product

package com.companyx;
public class AppAFeatureXProductFactory extends Factory{
    public IProduct createProduct() {
        return new AppAProductFeatureX();

Client code

package com.clientcompany;
import com.companyx.AppAFeatureXProductFactory;
import com.companyx.Factory;
public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Factory fact = new AppAFeatureXProductFactory();

As per GOF Abstract Factory pattern

My UnderstandingThe client is interested in the products, here this pattern helps in providing the product by hiding the concrete product classes behind factory classes.

Product type wanted by the client

package com.companyb;
public interface IProductA {
    public void performAJob();

Implementation of the product

package com.companyb;
//can be named better, but lets go with this name for this time
public class ProductAVersion1 implements IProductA{
    public void performAJob() {
        // some code

Factory interface, (It can be also an abstract class)

package com.companyb;
public interface IFactory {
    public IProductA createProduct();

Concrete implementation of Factory o create ProductA

package com.companyb;

public class FactoryA implements IFactory{
    public IProductA createProduct() {
        return new ProductAVersion1(); // concrete class of product is hidden

Client Code

package com.clientcompany.productprovider;
import com.companyb.IFactory;
import com.companyb.IProductA;
public class SomeClientClass {
    private IFactory factory;
    private IProductA product;

    public void doSomeJobWithProductA() {
        // some code
    public void setFactory(IFactory factory) {
        this.factory = factory;
        this.product = factory.createProduct();

package com.clientcompany.productprovider;
import com.companyb.FactoryA;
public class SomeOtherClientCode {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SomeClientClass someClientClass = new SomeClientClass();
        someClientClass.setFactory(new FactoryA());

Q1 : Is the family of related product necessary in Abstract Factory patter , won't this pattern still be relevant if only one kind of product (like above) is there with various sub types but not various related types?

Q2 Is my understanding above correct ?

Q3 Above brings another doubt in my mind : Is Factory method more suitable for frameworks (where client can give the implementation of products) and just like template method pattern, factory invokes the createProduct() concrete implementation form the user provided Concrete Factory implementation ? Also similarly is Abstract factory more fits for Library development, where concrete product classes (likely to vary) are hidden behind more stable Factory classes ?


I am having real difficulty in getting into your shoes. But I am quite interested in this subject so I will give a try. Involved here are concepts like library, framework, factory method, abstract factory and product family etc.

First, the library vs framework has really nothing to do with factory, abstract factory or any pattern for that matter. Library vs framework debate is not from implementational perspective where the patterns play. For example JUnit is a framework which comes with a rich assertion library. So should junit prefer one pattern over other for its internal implementation? Java itself is a framework which comes with a JCL library. Dot Net which is similar to java even calls itself a framework, and contains BCL library. So no more framework vs library debate in implementational context.

So the question boils down to which pattern should you use? It is not about the difference, which is clear, but about which one to use in which scenario. In this context, the Client Code is all code which may call the one which you are typing right now. It does not matter whether some code is written by you or someone else, in same or different jar, from same or different organization. From perspective of one code fragment, any other code (even in different method of the same class) is client code if that code has a potential to call the code which you are typing right now.

While typing any code (irrespective of framework or library status) sometimes we need to obtain instances of some object. May be we need a BufferedReader. If at compile time we are absolute sure about the concrete class of the object, KISS it and go with newing.

We may not know the concrete class of an instance. Now question aries whether the client code has this information? If the client code knows about the actual concrete class, but I do not know then we use the FactoryMethod pattern. The code I am typing will ask for an instance of a factory object in (say) its argument list. The client code knowing the actual concrete class, will supply a factory object which will do the creation. Example of this case is seen in JDBC like we want to process an sql statement. At compile time we do not know whether we should instantiate a mysql.JDBC4PreparedStatement or a microsoft.SQLServerStatement. It depends on connection string and that depends on end user. So we get hold of a Connection instance and ask it to createStatement(). See, we are delegating the construction of an object of type sql.Statement to a subclass of sql.Connection. Here the conn instance is the factory object. How we get hold of the factory is immaterial, just that we got it from client code.

If we need an instance of a Process object and at compile time we do not know whether it will be a Win32Process or a UnixProcess, we delegate the responsibility of its creation to ProcessBuilder which is builder pattern related to factory pattern. Same goes for jdbc ConnectionManager.

In case when there are many different classes not related by inheritance but by family we may use AbstractFactory. For example take jdbc's dot net counterpart DbProviderFactory. My code needs instances of Connection, Command, DataReader etc which are not related by inheritance but by family of MySql or SqlServer. So we get hold of an instance of a subclass of DbProviderFactory. May be it is a MySqlProviderFactory or a SqlProviderFactory that depends on runtime and client code. Once we have that factory, we can do CreateCommand(), CreateConnection() etc.

Hope this helps you choose between factory pattern and abstract factory pattern.


10-16 09:14