本文介绍了我要开始阅读Python源$ C ​​$ C。我应该从哪里开始的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我要开始阅读Python源$ C ​​$ C。

I want to start reading the Python source code.


我知道,Python和Java非常好。我知道梯次一些其他语言,但既不是C / C + /特别好。我研究下在大学,但从来没有在它的专业编程。

I know Python and Java very well. I know some other languages at various levels of proficiency, but neither C/C+/ particularly well. I studied C in college, but have never professionally programmed in it.


My Reasons for reading this code.

  1. 了解如何引擎盖下蟒蛇的作品。

  2. 学习C更好。


1 is more important to me than 2.



通过学习Python的C API启动。这是一个庞大而丰富的API,以及Python源自然使用它所有的地方。你不会得到很远到Python源$ C ​​$ C你要了解什么是Py_INCREF等意思了。

Start by learning about the Python C API. It is a large and rich API, and the Python source naturally uses it all over the place. You won't get very far into the Python source code before you have to understand what is meant by Py_INCREF and so on.

我给了presentation在PYCON解释API:的短途旅行,你可能找到有用的。 C扩展使用相同的API的Python的code本身。

I gave a presentation at Pycon explaining the API: A Whirlwind Excursion through Python C Extensions that you might find helpful. C extensions use the same API as the Python code itself.

这篇关于我要开始阅读Python源$ C ​​$ C。我应该从哪里开始的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 11:44