

问题说明了一切。使用一个使用NHibernate 1.2的旧代码库。作为升级的一部分,我有什么收获,以及我会失去什么,或经历过什么痛苦?总的努力是否值得,如果是的话,这些好处是什么?而当我在这,它是有道理的,只是移动到流利NHibernate的?




Question says it all. Working with an old codebase that is using NHibernate 1.2. What do I stand to gain, and what will I lose, or experience in pain, as part of this upgrade? Is the total effort worth the benefit, and if so, what are those benefits? And while I'm at it, would it make sense to just move to Fluent NHibernate?


This really depends on what nhibernate functions you are using. Take the release nodes and see if anything is in there you are using. Most functions are still working the same in 3.2. You have to do some upgrades in your mapping files.

I would do one change at the time. So get it working without Fluent, and decide if it is worth doing going to fluent. You should also have a look a QueryOver and the usage of linq.


08-24 12:01