


I have problem with my strong tag. I'm using bootstrap to hide and view word based on responsive css but i have style issue wher strong tag will start new line on browser

<strong class="visible-desktop hidden-tablet hidden-phone"> Software/</strong> <strong class="hidden-desktop visible-tablet visible-phone">Web/</strong><strong class="hidden-desktop hidden-tablet visible-phone">Mobile</strong> Developer  


在Bootstrap 2.3.2中, .visible-desktop 具有此规则 display:Inheritance!important; 因此,如果您的强标签位于div(或任何其他块类型元素)内,则它将继承块类型行为.设置 display:inline!important; 或将其放在跨度中即可解决此问题.

In Bootstrap 2.3.2 .visible-desktop has this rule display: inherit !important;So if your strong tag is inside a div (or any other block type element) then it will inherit the block type behavior.Either set display: inline !important; or maybe place it in a span to fix this.


10-29 12:48