

我使用ToDoList 6.1.10作为Win7上的独立可执行文件(即未安装到注册表).





Hi, I am using ToDoList 6.1.10 as a standalone executable (ie, not installed to the registry) on Win7.

The default font of tasklist and comments is too small for me, so I have to enlarge it. Usually when I close the app and reopen I find that these preferences have not been saved; sometimes they have been. If I close the app and reboot the PC the preferences setting is never saved.

In the same way my recently used tasklists are not saved. They usually do not reopen after an app restart, but sometimes they do. They never reopen after a PC reboot, and the ''Recent Tasklist'' menu is blank.

This problem started a couple months ago, and was not connected to a version upgrade or patch as far as I can tell. It''s on a corporate PC, which is why no registry install, so IT may have changed a security policy that would affect this.

Any help resolving this problem is appreciated!



09-05 20:07