


Recently I've come across many different frameworks for creating web apps in Java such as: Play!, Wicket, Grails, Lift, and Tapestry. What exactly is a framework and what are the benefits of using one? Additionally, I would like to try one out. I want a framework that is lightweight and easy to use and get started with, since my web development knowledge is very limited. Which one would you recommend?


Also I'm sure this question has been asked a dozen times, but it's quite tedious to have to search through past questions to find the answer your looking for.



I believe Lift is for Scala.


Tapestry is a UI-only framework.

Grails是Groovy,Spring和Hibernate的结合,形成了类似于Ruby On Rails的环境,可以快速创建CRUD Web应用程序.

Grails is Groovy, Spring, and Hibernate combined into a Ruby On Rails-like environment for rapidly creating CRUD web apps.

播放! Wicket是框架的绰号.

Play! and Wicket deserve the moniker of framework.


You don't mention Spring; you should look at it. That's what I would recommend. It's a combination of dependency injection, aspect oriented programming, and great modules for persistence, web and portal MVC, remoting, declarative transactions, message driven POJOs, and lots more. It has a great deal of mindshare and traction. It's been purchased by VMWare, so it's going to be around for a while.


You'll need more than a framework to do web development. In all cases, you can't do web development without HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


09-06 02:21