

我正在构建一个PhoneGap应用,该应用需要播放AAC音频。使用本机 WebView 可以很好地工作,但是我想在针对API 16-20的构建中使用Crosswalk,因为我的应用程序中的某些CSS功能在Android上根本无法使用4.x。

I'm building a PhoneGap app which needs to play AAC audio. It works well using the native WebView, but I would like to use Crosswalk on a build targeting APIs 16-20 because some CSS features in my app do not work at all on Android 4.x.

当我复制项目以添加Crosswalk Lite时,可以看到该应用程序可以正常运行,除了< audio> 元素指向AAC文件。这是因为。

When I make a copy of the project to add Crosswalk Lite, I can see that the app works except for the <audio> element pointing to a AAC file. This is because Crosswalk does not ship with proprietary codecs by default.


$ xwalk/gyp_xwalk -Dmediacodecs_EULA=1

中的 ffmpegsumo.dll libffmpegsumo.so 会在构建输出目录中包含专有编解码器。

Then build Crosswalk. The ffmpegsumo.dll or libffmpegsumo.so in the build output directory will contain the proprietary codecs.


Refer to Crosswalk Build Instruction for more details.


However, I am adding Crosswalk using the suggested plug-in, thus I get pre-built libraries without proprietary codecs:

phonegap plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview  --variable XWALK_MODE="lite" --save

如何将专有编解码器集成到Cordova Crosswalk插件中?

How can I integrate proprietary codecs in the Cordova Crosswalk plug-in?


I managed to understand the (convoluted) process of building everything. This answer deals with the process of compiling a custom build of the full Crosswalk (not the lite version).


Actually, I decided to finally use the standard build and replace AAC audio with MP3s, but I thought this answer could be useful for future reference.

我在Ubuntu 16.04 Docker容器中编译了Crosswalk,以避免污染我的系统并确保我拥有正确的Linux版本。标准映像是准系统,因此我安装了一些依赖项。我还设置了一个共享文件夹来访问已编译的文件:

I compiled Crosswalk in a Ubuntu 16.04 Docker container to avoid "polluting" my system and to ensure I had the right Linux version. The standard image is pretty barebones so I installed some dependencies. I also set up a shared folder to access the compiled files:

docker run -it -v /home/andrea/shared:/shared ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash
apt update
apt install -y python git nano lsb-release sudo wget curl software-properties-common
export EDITOR=nano # life it too short to learn vi


apt-add-repository multiverse


按照depot_tools .html#_setting_up rel = nofollow noreferrer>在文档中:


Install the depot_tools as outlined in the documentation:

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/depot_tools


Initialize a working directory with:

mkdir crosswalk-checkout
cd crosswalk-checkout
gclient config --name src/xwalk https://github.com/crosswalk-project/crosswalk.git

然后使用 nano .gclient 编辑配置文件,并添加以下行:

Then edit the config file with nano .gclient and add the following line:

target_os = ['android']



Attempt a first sync with:

gclient sync


This command will fail but it's OK. The instructions say:

调整 install-build-deps.sh 文件,然后运行它:

Adjust the install-build-deps.sh file and then run it:

sed -si "s/msttcorefonts/ttf-mscorefonts-installer/g" src/build/install-build-deps.sh
sudo ./src/build/install-build-deps-android.sh

再次运行 gclient sync 并等待直到正确完成。

Run gclient sync again and wait until it finishes correctly.

通过检查文件 src / xwalk /build/common.gypi src / tools / mb / mb_config.pyl ,我们可以看到我们需要添加 ffmpeg_branding = Chrome 。

By inspecting the files src/xwalk/build/common.gypi and src/tools/mb/mb_config.pyl, we can see that we need to add ffmpeg_branding="Chrome" in the build arguments.


To prevent an error later on, install the development package related to libnotify:

sudo apt install libnotify-dev

移动到 src 目录并打开配置:

Move to the src directory and open the configuration:

cd src/
gn args out/Default


target_os = "android"
is_debug = false
ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"
use_sysroot = false

参数 use_sysroot = false 可以防止出现另一个错误。保存文件时,您应该会看到以下内容:

The parameters use_sysroot = false prevents yet another error. When saving the file, you should see something like this:

Waiting for editor on "/home/utente/crosswalk-checkout/src/out/Default/args.gn"...
Generating files...
Done. Wrote 6060 targets from 1003 files in 2416ms

问题 cd .. 并再次运行 gclient sync


Finally, to build the core library do:

cd src/
ninja -C out/Default xwalk_core_library


This will build the library for ARM, producing an AAR file located at:




Get back to the args with:

gn args out/Default


target_cpu = "x86"

保存文件,再次运行 gclient sync ,然后重复 ninja 命令。复制现在包含x86库的新AAR文件。

Save the file, run gclient sync again and then repeat the ninja command. Make a copy of the new AAR file which now contains the x86 libraries.

标准的Cordova Crosswalk插件将单个AAR文件与两个平台的库一起使用。 Raphael Kubo da Costa的建议如何制作此单个存档:

The standard Cordova Crosswalk plug-in uses a single AAR file with libraries for both platforms. This message by Raphael Kubo da Costa suggests how to produce this single archive:


Finally, to use the custom built AAR file in the Cordova plug-in, see How to change the Crosswalk version used by the Cordova Crosswalk Webview plugin.


07-30 09:26