本文介绍了为Nginx Ingress中的特定位置设置limit_req的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试为Kubernetes ingress-nginx中的特定路径设置速率限制选项limit_req,以防止强行认证.

I'm trying to setup rate limiting option limit_req for specific path in Kubernetes ingress-nginx to prevent brute-forcing authentication.


I've defined limit_req_zone using ConfigMap:

http-snippet: |
      limit_req_zone $the_real_ip zone=authentication_ratelimit:10m rate=1r/s;


Next, I'm using annotation to add a custom location block:

nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
  location ~* "^/authenticate$" {
    limit_req zone=authentication_ratelimit nodelay;
    more_set_headers "x-test: matched";


This produces nginx.conf:

server {
# - - 8< - -

  location / {
    # - - 8< - -

    location ~* "^/authenticate$" {
      limit_req zone=authentication_ratelimit nodelay;
      more_set_headers "x-test: matched";

    proxy_pass http://upstream_balancer;

    proxy_redirect                          off;

结果是/authenticate始终返回HTTP 503(带有x-test标头).来自入口访问日志的消息:

The result is that /authenticate always returns HTTP 503 (with x-test header). Message from ingress access logs:

<ip> - [<ip>] - - [04/Jan/2019:15:22:07 +0000] "POST /authenticate HTTP/2.0" 503 197 "-" "curl/7.54.0" 172 0.000 [-] - - - - 1a63c9825c9795be1378b2547e29992d


I suspect this might be because of conflict between nested location block and proxy_pass (but this is just a wild guess).


What other options have I tried?

  • 使用server-snippet注释而不是configuration-snippet-/authenticate返回404,因为未配置proxy_pass
  • 使用nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-rpm注释-强制对整个应用程序进行速率限制,这不是我想要的.
  • use server-snippet annotation instead of configuration-snippet - /authenticate returns 404 because proxy_pass is not configured
  • use nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/limit-rpm annotation - forces ratelimit on whole application which is not what I want.


Question is why custom location block responds with 503? How can I debug this? Will increasing nginx logging level give more details about 503?Or more general question: can I inject custom location blocks in ingress-nginx?



This can be done by using map and that fact that Requests with an empty key value are not accounted.

http-snippets: |
  map $uri $with_limit_req {
    default 0;
    "~*^/authenticate$" 1;
  map $with_limit_req $auth_limit_req_key {
    default '';
    '1'     $binary_remote_addr; # the limit key
  limit_req_zone $auth_limit_req_key zone=authentication_ratelimit:10m rate=1r/s;


And use annotation to add a custom location block:

nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
  limit_req zone=authentication_ratelimit nodelay;


Or if you use ingress from nginxinc

  limit_req zone=authentication_ratelimit nodelay;


in this case check if requests need to be ratelimited processed on map level.


And my opinion: better to limit requests on app level as if you made rate limit on ingress level, it depends on count of ingress pods.

这篇关于为Nginx Ingress中的特定位置设置limit_req的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 22:05