I am running the free version of Azure IoT hub.  The quota is 8000 messages per day, each message with a maximum, I believe, of 256K in size.  I am typically sending 12 json messages/hour (telemetry messages), but showing about 96 "Total number of messages used" per hour (8x).   Within the last 24 hours, with the help of some extra JSON messages, I managed to exceed 8000 messages, but do not understand how that is possible.  For the time-frame in the screen shot chart, I can count 355 json messages passed along to the database, with a total of 188556 JSON characters.  This is an average of 531 JSON characters per event, with the maximum characters sent in any one even being 1019.  I'm trying to understand what "Total number of messages" includes, for instance how sending a single JSON message consumes 8 IoT hub messages.Thanks for any help to understand how the messages accumulate so quickly. John 解决方案 这篇关于Azure IoT中心报告[看起来像]过量的IoT所使用的消息总数,并将中心锁定在新消息之外的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-22 04:28