

我在Storyboard中看到以下选项,用于在navBars / tabBars下扩展UIViewController视图的边缘:

I see the following selections in Storyboard for extending the edges of a UIViewController's view under navBars/tabBars:


But how do I set these properties globally for all of my ViewControllers in code? As opposed to manually checking/unchecking on every ViewController in Storyboard.



There is a couple of new properties in iOS7 to control those settings.

edgesForExtendedLayout 告诉应该扩展哪些边(左,右,上,下,全,无或任何组合)。延伸底部边缘等于Under Bottom Bars勾选,延伸顶部边缘等于Under Top Bars勾选。

edgesForExtendedLayout tells what edges should be extended (left, right, top, bottom, all, none or any combination of those). Extending bottom edge equals "Under Bottom Bars" tick, extending top edge equals "Under Top Bars" tick.

extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars 告诉边缘是否应该在不透明条形下自动延伸。因此,如果将这两个设置组合在一起,则可以模拟代码中任何界面构建器刻度的组合。

extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars tells if edges should be automatically extended under the opaque bars. So if you combine those two settings you can mimic any combination of interface builder ticks in your code.


10-28 14:56