其他所有操作都应单独进行.例如,此处不应该计算(随机化)痣(或猴子?)的位置,而应使用计时器方法.您的applet需要具有一个模型,该模型将通过用户交互和随机事件进行修改.然后,绘制方法将查看此模型,并根据此模型进行绘制.I'm creating a whack a mole game on java swing applet but I am having trouble with timing the moles to come up. I can't seem to avoid paint () looping on me and thus randomizing the coordinates of the mole too fast. How can I delay the moles to come up and stay for a while and go down if they were not hit? How can I create this delay without delaying the entire program?please helpimport java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.Timer;public class Game extends JApplet{ boolean titleScreen = true; boolean gameBegin = false; // ///////////////////////////////// // ///// IMAGE ///////// // ///////////////////////////////// Dimension dim; Image offscreen; static Graphics bufferGraphics; static Image h1, h2, bg, gamebg, button1a, button1b, button2a, button2b; static Image m1, m1a, m1b, m2a, m2b; static Image[] mk = new Image [9]; // ///////////////////////////////// // ///// MOUSE ///////// // ///////////////////////////////// Cursor c; boolean myButtonPressed = false; boolean myButtonEntered = false; int myMouseX = 0, myMouseY = 0; int myRow = -1, myCol = -1; // ///////////////////////////////// // / GAME VARIABLES /// // ///////////////////////////////// private static final int[] mX = {5, 170, 335, 5, 170, 335, 5, 170, 335}; private static final int[] mY = {5, 5, 5, 170, 170, 170, 335, 335, 335}; int rand, randm; static int[] t = new int [9]; static boolean mhhit = false; static boolean[] mhit = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}; private int[] respawnCounter = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; private int[] removeCounter = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static int score = 0; public JFrame window; // ///////////////////////////////// // ///// BUTTON ///////// // ///////////////////////////////// GameScreen g1 = new GameScreen (); Timer repaintTimer = null; // GameTime m1 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m2 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m3 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m4 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m5 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m6 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m7 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m8 = new GameTime (t[]); // GameTime m9 = new GameTime (t[]); public Game () { window = new JFrame ("Monkeying Around"); window.setResizable (false); window.setSize (800, 400); window.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public void init () { // ///////////////////////////////// // ///// IMAGE ///////// // ///////////////////////////////// dim = getSize (); setBackground (Color.white); offscreen = createImage (dim.width, dim.height); bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics (); // Getting all the images m1a = getImage (getCodeBase (), "m1a.gif"); m1b = getImage (getCodeBase (), "m1b.gif"); m1 = getImage (getCodeBase (), "m1.gif"); h1 = getImage (getCodeBase (), "hammer.gif"); h2 = getImage (getCodeBase (), "hammer2.gif"); bg = getImage (getCodeBase (), "mainbg.gif"); gamebg = getImage (getCodeBase (), "gbg.gif"); button1a = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button1a.gif"); button1b = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button1b.gif"); button2a = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button2a.gif"); button2b = getImage (getCodeBase (), "button2b.gif"); for (int mnum = 0 ; mnum < 9 ; mnum++) { mk [mnum] = m1; } /////////////////////// /////// MOUSE ///////// /////////////////////// Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (); c = tk.createCustomCursor (tk.getImage (""), new Point (0, 0), "invisible"); setCursor (c); addMouseListener (new MyMouseListener ()); addMouseMotionListener (new MyMouseMotionListener ()); repaintTimer = new Timer (500, new RepaintAction (this)); // start the timer. } // end init method public void start () { } public Image getMouseImage () { if (myButtonPressed) { return h2; } return h1; } public void handleMouseEvents () { int nCol = myMouseX - 50; int nRow = myMouseY - 50; if (!myButtonEntered) // assumed to be: if myButtonEntered is // not = true i.e. false nCol = nRow = -1; if (nCol != myCol || nRow != myRow) { myRow = nRow; myCol = nCol; } repaint (); } // end handleMouseEvents method ///////////////////////////////////// /////// MOUSELISTENER CLASS ///////// ///////////////////////////////////// public class MyMouseListener implements MouseListener { public void mousePressed (MouseEvent me) { myButtonPressed = true; myMouseX = me.getX (); myMouseY = me.getY (); handleMouseEvents (); } public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent me) { myButtonPressed = false; myMouseX = me.getX (); myMouseY = me.getY (); handleMouseEvents (); } public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent me) { myButtonEntered = true; myMouseX = me.getX (); myMouseY = me.getY (); handleMouseEvents (); } public void mouseExited (MouseEvent me) { myButtonEntered = false; myMouseX = me.getX (); myMouseY = me.getY (); handleMouseEvents (); } public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent me) { myMouseX = me.getX (); myMouseY = me.getY (); handleMouseEvents (); } } // end MyMouseListener class public class MyMouseMotionListener implements MouseMotionListener { public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent me) { myMouseX = me.getX (); myMouseY = me.getY (); handleMouseEvents (); } // end mouseMoved method public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent me) { myMouseX = me.getX (); myMouseY = me.getY (); handleMouseEvents (); } // end mouseDragged method } // end MyMouseListener class public void mouse () { // logic to render mouse... if (myRow != -1 && myCol != -1) { // if you do not hit co-ordinates -1 // (out of bounds) then Image mouseImage = getMouseImage (); bufferGraphics.drawImage (mouseImage, myCol, myRow, 100, 100, null, this); } // end if } public void paint (Graphics g) { bufferGraphics.clearRect (0, 0, dim.width, dim.height); repaint (); if (titleScreen == true) { // System.out.println("drawing the main screen"); mainScreen (); } if (gameBegin == true) { game (g); } mouse (); g.drawImage (offscreen, 0, 0, this); } // end Paint method public void update (Graphics g) { paint (g); } public void mainScreen () { bufferGraphics.drawImage (bg, 0, 0, 600, 500, Color.red, this); bufferGraphics.drawImage (button1a, 427, 384, 159, 49, Color.red, this); bufferGraphics.drawImage (button2a, 427, 440, 159, 49, Color.red, this); mouse (); if (myButtonPressed == true) { if (myRow > (384 - 50) && myRow < (433 - 50) && myCol > (427 - 50) && myCol < (586 - 50)) { titleScreen = false; gameBegin = true; } else if (myRow > (340 - 50) && myRow < (489 - 50) && myCol > (427 - 50) && myCol < (586 - 50)) { titleScreen = false; } } } public void game (Graphics g) { // new ReminderBeep (5); bufferGraphics.drawImage (gamebg, 0, 0, 600, 500, Color.red, this); for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) { bufferGraphics.drawImage (mk [i], mX [i], mY [i], 160, 160, Color.red, this); } g.drawString ("har", 520, 140); } public void monkeyhit () { if (myButtonPressed == true) { for (int hit = 0 ; hit < 9 ; hit++) if (mhit [hit] == true && myRow > (mY [hit] - 50) && myRow < (mY [hit] + 160 - 50) && myCol > (mX [hit] - 50) && myCol < (mX [hit] + 160 - 50)) { mk [hit] = m1b; mhhit = true; mhit [hit] = false; score += 10; } } // reset (); } public void run () { monkey (); } // public void reset () // { // mhhit = false; // for (int x = 0 ; x < 9 ; x++) // { // mk [x] = m1; // mhit [x] = false; // // } // // } public void monkey () { rand = ((int) (Math.random () * 100000000)) + 10000000; randm = ((int) (Math.random () * 100)); if (randm <= 8) { for (int a = 0 ; a < 9 ; a++) { if (randm == a) { mhit [randm] = true; mk [randm] = m1a; } else if (randm != a) { mhit [a] = false; mk [a] = m1; } } for (int i = 0 ; i < rand * 100 ; i++) { monkeyhit (); if (mhit [randm] = false) mk [randm] = m1; break; } } } // Timer class GameTime { Toolkit toolkit; Timer timer; public GameTime (int seconds) { toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit (); timer = new Timer (seconds, new MTask ()); timer.start (); } /* public void delay(int seconds) { toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new Mdelay(), seconds * 1000); } */ class MTask implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) { /* for (int tsec = 0; tsec < 9; tsec++) { t[tsec] = ((int) (Math.random() * 11)) * 5; } */ } } } class RepaintAction implements ActionListener { Game game; public RepaintAction (Game game) { this.game = game; } public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { game.repaint (); } }} 解决方案 In your painting method (or methods called from there), you should only do painting, nothing else (like checking where the mouse is and such).Everything else should be done separately. For example, calculating (randomizing) the positions of the moles (or monkeys?) should not be done here, but in the timer method, for example.Your applet needs to have a model, which will be modified by the user interaction and random events. The paint method then looks at this model, and paints according to this. 这篇关于Java Swing Applet:如何在不减慢整个程序的情况下减慢或延迟paint()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-05 13:43