


I need to understand the difference between these two classes and how they work with each other. I understand that FileReader reads characters from a file one character at a time and the BufferedReader reads a large chunk of data and stores it in a buffer and thus makes it faster.


In order to use a BufferedReader, i have to provide it a FileReader. How does the BufferedReader class use the FileReader if it reads the file differently? Does it mean that BufferedReader uses FileReader and therefore behind the scenes the characters are still read one character at a time? I guess my question is how does the BufferedReader class use the FileReader class.


首先, BufferedReader 需要读者,而非 FileReader (虽然接受后者)。

First of all, BufferedReader takes a Reader, not a FileReader (although the latter is accepted).

Reader 抽象类有几个 read()方法。有一个read-one-character版本以及两个版本,它们将一个字符块读入一个数组。

The Reader abstract class has several read() methods. There is a read-one-character version as well as two versions that read a block of characters into an array.

只有使用 BufferedReader 如果您一次只读单个字符或小块。

It only makes sense to use BufferedReader if you're reading single characters or small blocks at a time.


char ch1 = fileReader.read();
char ch2 = bufferedReader.read()

第一个将转到底层文件,第二个很可能会从 BufferedReader 的内部缓冲区中得到满足。

The first one will go to the underlying file, whereas the second one will most probably be satisfied from the BufferedReader's internal buffer.


10-12 07:11