

Doctor 类中,我有RealmList- specializationList .

Inside Doctor class, I have RealmList - specializationList.

public class Doctor extends RealmObject {

    private String doctorId;
    private FullName fullName;
    private Age age;
    private String organizationId;
    private Position position;
    private String category;
    private String loyalty;
    private RealmList<Specialization> specializationList;
    private Contacts contacts;
    private String key;


public class Specialization extends RealmObject{

    private String specializationName;


    "doctorId": "7d8e72d7-809b-4273-9a3f-fa21718dee7f",
    "doctorFullName": {
      "firstName": "FirstName0",
      "lastName": "LastName0",
      "middleName": "MiddleName0"
    "doctorPosition": {
      "positionName": "PositionName0",
      "department": "Department0"
    "organizationId": "7cfaf5c0-127a-4cfc-b73b-52a35fd02ffd",
    "specializations": [
        "specializationName": "Specialization name 3"
        "specializationName": "Specialization name 2"
        "specializationName": "Specialization name 1"
    "key": "firstname0 middlename0 lastname0"

使用 createOrUpdateAllFromJson 方法解析JSON:

Parsing JSON using createOrUpdateAllFromJson method:

realm.createOrUpdateAllFromJson(Doctor.class, json);


What I am trying to do is getting RealmList from doctor object:

RealmList<Specialization> specializationList = doctor.getSpecializationList();


But specializationList's size is 0.

领域文档:某些JSON API会返回Real尚不支持的原始类型的数组,例如整数或字符串.

Realm documentation:Some JSON APIs will return arrays of primitive types like integers or Strings, which Realm doesn’t support yet.


Can JSON array(specializations) be parsed using createOrUpdateAllFromJson?


是的,Realm应该可以解析它,但是看起来您的命名不正确. Doctor类将其称为specializationList,但在JSON中为specializations.

Yes, Realm should be able to parse that, but it looks like your naming is not right. Your Doctor class calls it specializationList but in your JSON it is specializations.


If you change your Doctor class to the following it should work:

public class Doctor extends RealmObject {

    private String doctorId;
    private FullName fullName;
    private Age age;
    private String organizationId;
    private Position position;
    private String category;
    private String loyalty;
    private RealmList<Specialization> specializations;
    private Contacts contacts;
    private String key;


09-22 04:04