


I want to change the X-Axis values from default to Dynamic Ticks which is passed from JSON.

在我的上一篇文章中如何绘制时间值在Flot Graph 中,我发现可以通过 Categories.js

Through my last post How to plot time values in Flot Graph, I found out that it is possible through Categories.js


I added the JS and modified My JSON in the format below matching to the format given in the Example.

  [{"data":[["Over Time",5202]],"label":"Over Time"},{"data":[["Shift Start",19620]],"label":"Shift Start"},{"data":[["Maintenance break",82920]],"label":"Maintenance break"},{"data":[["Lunch break",240]],"label":"Lunch break"},{"data":[["BreakDown",75720]],"label":"BreakDown"},{"data":[["Break",3060]],"label":"Break"},{"data":[["Tea break",72840]],"label":"Tea break"}]


  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">  
$.getJSON('ReasonByTime.txt', function(json) {
    $.plot($("#placeholder"),json, {bars: { show: true, barWidth:0.2}, xaxis: { mode: "categories" }});



When i run this code, x-axis is not displaying any values, the default values also not getting displayed. My result graph is look like this.

我已测试 code.google.com/p/flot/,但打勾/类别无效.我得到了这样的示例的输出.

I tested The sample example given in code.google.com/p/flot/ but the tickes/categories is not working. I get the Output for the example like this.


Flot现在托管在github之外: https://github.com/flot/flot

Flot is now hosted out of github: https://github.com/flot/flot

如果您抓到 jquery.flot.js 和 jquery.flot.categories.js 并运行您的代码,它将起作用. 不起作用的是jquery.flot.js版本0.7结合了github上的最新类别插件.

If you grab jquery.flot.js and jquery.flot.categories.js from there and run your code, it will work. What does NOT work is jquery.flot.js version 0.7 combined with the latest categories plugin from github.


I ran it with this code and it displayed correctly:

var data = [{
    "data": [["Over Time", 5202]]},
    "data": [["Shift Start", 19620]]},
    "data": [["Maintenance break", 82920]]},
    "data": [["Lunch break", 240]]},
    "data": [["BreakDown", 75720]]},
    "data": [["Break", 3060]]},
    "data": [["Tea break", 72840]]}];

$.plot($("#placeholder"), data, {
    bars: {
        show: true,
        barWidth: 0.2
    xaxis: {
        mode: "categories"

这是它的工作版本: http://jsfiddle.net/ryleyb/CQ3YS/


10-12 18:04