本文介绍了从业务对象Workflow Foundation的反序列化的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm studying Microsoft WF samples and have found that they serializing/deserializing workflows that are not finished to hold its state. I don't like it as workflow is a process and it doesn't need any additional data to continue from a different thread or code part.


Maybe I've missed something. Can you share examples of saving/loading unfinished workflows if it's possible? Maybe alternative workflow frameworks can do without serialization/deserialization. For example it could be restored from business object state.


您在想实在太小。有超出你能想象现在很多用途。所有的工作流框架(除非他们使用一些类型的对象分贝的?)将序列化工作流状态,以便它可以继续在以后的时间。微软WF,K2 BlackPerl和其他许多人做到这一点。 K2做它,因为你可以有一个项目办理流程V1,然后在右侧中间有人将更新工作流程,V2,但K2是足够聪明,知道是应该继续处理下,V1工作流程的项目。

You're thinking far too small. There are many uses beyond what you can imagine right now. All workflow frameworks (unless they use some type of object db?) will serialize the workflow state so it can be continued at a later time. Microsoft WF, K2 BlackPerl and many others do this. K2 does it because you can have an item going through workflow v1 and then right in the middle someone will update the workflow to v2 but K2 is smart enough to know that is should continue processing that item under the v1 workflow.


Maybe i'm missing your question but it seems like you don't like that it serializes the workflow for storage.

这篇关于从业务对象Workflow Foundation的反序列化的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-21 04:18