

我开发一个Android应用程序使用的Andr​​oid 2.1的嵌入式设备。蓝牙协议栈的bluez。我找不到相关的bluez任何文档和源$ C ​​$ c是相当难读,因为它没有被注释掉了!似乎是一个bluez的维基,但该网站已经下了一段时间了......

I am developing an android application for an embedded device that uses android 2.1. The bluetooth protocol stack is bluez. I cannot find any documentation related to bluez, and the source code is quite hard to read as it is not commented at all! There seems to have been a bluez wiki, but that site has been down for some time now...

任何有关在那里我也许能找到有关的bluez协议栈的功能将如何AP preciated任何帮助/文档的帮助。

Any help regarding where I might be able to find any help/documentation regarding how the bluez stack functions will be appreciated.



其实并不是所有的Andr​​oid设备使用的BlueZ栈下划线蓝牙堆栈。这将是与Android SDK蓝牙API坚持,如果你想可移植性是个好主意。

Actually not all Android devices use BlueZ stack as the underline bluetooth stack. It would be a good idea to stick with Android SDK bluetooth API if you want portability.

这是说, http://people.csail.mit.edu/albert /的bluez-介绍/ 是一个很好的bluez教程。

This being said, http://people.csail.mit.edu/albert/bluez-intro/ is a nice bluez tutorial.


07-07 04:49