

我正在尝试在F#中表示标准扑克牌.我的目标是实现游戏的 Microsoft Solitaire (Windows附带的游戏)的克隆.卡的衣服,脸和颜色很重要.此练习主要是为了学习一些F#.

I am trying to represent standard playing cards in F#. My goal is to implement a clone of Microsoft Solitaire (the one that comes with Windows) , a game in which Cards' Suit, Face, and Color are important. This exercise is mostly intended as a way to learn some F#.


I have considered using discriminated unions:

type Suit =
    | Diamonds
    | Hearts
    | Clubs
    | Spades

type Color =
    | Red
    | Black

type Face =
    Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven |
    Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace


type Card = {
    suit: Suit;
    face: Face;
    color: Color;


However, a Card's Color can be inferred from its Suit—all Diamonds and Hearts are Red, and all Clubs and Spades are Black. Suit cannot be determined from Color alone. Perhaps something like this is appropriate:

type Suit =
    | Diamonds of Color //should always be red
    | Hearts of Color //should always be red
    | Clubs of Color //should always be black
    | Spades of Color //should always be black

type Face =
    Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven |
    Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace

type Card = {
    suit: Suit;
    face: Face;


But this doesn't seem right, since this allows incorrect combinations, e.g. Black Hearts and Red Spades.


  1. 考虑颜色取决于西服,最常见的处理西服和颜色的方法是什么?
  2. 是否应该明确表示颜色"的概念?从理论上讲,可以用与钻石或红心(红色)和棍棒或黑桃(黑色)的图案匹配替换所有出现的颜色.



Since Color can always be inferred from Suit, there's no reason to model it explicitly; you'll want to make illegal states unrepresentable.


type Suit =
    | Diamonds
    | Hearts
    | Clubs
    | Spades

let (|Red|Black|) suit =
    match suit with
    | Diamonds | Hearts -> Red
    | Clubs | Spades -> Black


This would enable you to pattern match on Suit, like this inane example:

let printColor card =
    match card.Suit with
    | Red -> "Red"
    | Black -> "Black"


> printColor { Suit = Spades; Face = Ace };;
val it : string = "Black"
> printColor { Suit = Diamonds; Face = King };;
val it : string = "Red"


09-21 01:36