本文介绍了Lightbox 2删除数据标题中的target =“_blank”行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



 < a href =projects / img_full / my_project.pngdata-lightbox =project1 data-title =< a href ='http://example.com/'target ='_ blank'>访问网站< / a>> 
< img src =projects / thumbs / my_project.pngalt =Project 1/>
< / a>

在灯箱图片下输出正确, target ='_ blank'如果我在浏览器中检查它,仍然存在。但是,链接仍然会在同一个标​​签中打开





//感谢Nate Wright的修复。 @https://github.com/NateWr
if(typeof this.album [this.currentImageIndex] .title!=='undefined'&& this.album [this.currentImageIndex] .title!== '){
this。$ lightbox.find('。lb-caption')
.html(this.album [this.currentImageIndex] .title)
.fadeIn('fast' )
location.href = $(this).attr('href');
}) ;




  if(typeof this.album [this.currentImageIndex] .title!=='undefined'&& this.album [this。 currentImageIndex] .title!==){
this。$ lightbox.find('。lb-caption')
.html(this.album [this.currentImageIndex] .title)$ b $ (''')。on('click',function(event){
if($(this).attr('target')!= =未定义){
} else {
location.href = $(this).attr('href');

I'm trying to use Lightbox's title function as a simple way to put PDF download links and website URLs so that people are able to see designs in full detail and actually visit interactive websites they've seen as images. I do it this way:

<a href="projects/img_full/my_project.png" data-lightbox="project1" data-title="<a href='http://example.com/' target='_blank'>Visit site</a>">
    <img src="projects/thumbs/my_project.png" alt="Project 1" />

The link outputs correctly under the Lightbox's image, and target='_blank' remains if I inspect it in my browser. However, the link still opens in the same tab.

Why does this happen? Is there a way to avoid it?


I have the same problem, on my project page I have gallery of places, and in title I have an url to wiki site with description of current place, when I click on the link page opens in the same window, in firebug everything looks fine (with attribute target etc.)

I found something in Lightbox library that I think is responsible for running urls

  // Enable anchor clicks in the injected caption html.
  // Thanks Nate Wright for the fix. @https://github.com/NateWr
  if (typeof this.album[this.currentImageIndex].title !== 'undefined' && this.album[this.currentImageIndex].title !== "") {
      .find('a').on('click', function(event){
        location.href = $(this).attr('href');

but I'm not 100% sure that is this, could someone show where I can update code and depened opening links by the "target" attribute?


ok, found solution to this, need to replace code above with this and it works for me, found it on githubhttps://github.com/lokesh/lightbox2/pull/299/files

if (typeof this.album[this.currentImageIndex].title !== 'undefined' && this.album[this.currentImageIndex].title !== "") {
                    .find('a').on('click', function (event) {
                if ($(this).attr('target') !== undefined) {
                    window.open($(this).attr('href'), $(this).attr('target'));
                } else {
                    location.href = $(this).attr('href');

这篇关于Lightbox 2删除数据标题中的target =“_blank”行为的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-19 06:32