

我有一个页面标签 - 好的 - 到目前为止这么好。

我想让用户点击视频1,并在Lightbox中播放YouTube vid。现在我可以想出来的是丑陋的popper。

I got a page tab - ok - so far so good. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Vermont/210976122316498?sk=app_201737266589689I want the user to click on video 1 and have a youtube vid play in a lightbox. Right now all I can figure out is the ugly onclick popper.

所以 - 在iframe页面标签的弹出窗口中的图片和视频。什么是秘密?

So - images and video in a popup on an iframe page tab. What is the secret?


I seriously have been searching for answers for about 6 hours and tried and failed about 12 times.



您正在使用< map> 标签,我不知道这将如何帮助您实现Lightbox效果?

You are using the <map> tag, I'm not sure how this would help you to achieve a lightbox effect?

只是一个小笔记,您不能将您的Lightbox 页面标签iframe覆盖Facebook内容(左侧边栏和右侧广告等组件)。所以简而言之,你不能对Facebook相册有类似的效果!

Just a small note, you cannot have your lightbox outside the page tab iframe overlaying the Facebook content (left sidebar and right ads and other components). So in short, you cannot have a similar effect to the Facebook photo album!

只要确保灯箱内容+ padding + border + shaddow为&= = = px,否则你会得到丑陋的水平滚动条!

Just make sure that the lightbox content + padding + borders + shaddow is <= 520 px, otherwise you'll get the ugly horizontal scrollbar!


10-24 04:11