


Is there any reason why someone would use BigTable instead of BigQuery? Both seem to support Read and Write operations with the latter offering also advanced 'Query' operations.


I need to develop an affiliate network (thus I need to track clicks and 'sales') so I'm quite confused by the difference because bigQuery seems to be just bigTable with a better API.



BigQuery是一个查询引擎,用于那些变化不大或通过追加而变化的数据集。当您的查询需要表扫描或需要查看整个数据库时,这是一个很好的选择。考虑总和,平均值,计数,分组。 BigQuery是您收集大量数据后需要提出的问题。

BigQuery is a query Engine for datasets that don't change much, or change by appending. It's a great choice when your queries require a "table scan" or the need to look across the entire database. Think sums, averages, counts, groupings. BigQuery is what you use when you have collected a large amount of data, and need to ask questions about it.


BigTable is a database. It is designed to be the foundation for a large, scaleable application. Use BigTable when you are making any kind of app that needs to read and write data, and scale is a potential issue.


09-25 01:11