


我知道什么是有效的,什么不行,什么是性能和什么是可维护的(几乎 - 在开始获取真实数据的时候总是有调整的地方)。




好Bigtable是本质上是一个数据库本身,所以我认为你的问题更多的是如何建模,并在一定程度上在这些Bigtable像数据库中设计你的架构。更具体地说,您想知道如何在Google的App Engine上执行此操作。

使用GAE,您将使用Datastore API,它为Bigtable添加了一个重要的抽象层,所以在某种程度上你不必担心低级别的细节,就像你使用像HBase这样的东西一样。 SO上有几个帖子(我认为是GAE团队的一部分的Google工程师的很好的答案),将引导您并提供如何处理这种新型数据库系统的提示。


  1. 的灵感来自于Google的()纸张

  2. 也受到Bigtable纸张的启发。

  3. 受到Google的论文

I am very well versed in the theory and practice of relational database design.

I know what works and what doesn't, what is performant and what is maintainable (almost - there's always place to tweak when you start having real data).

It seems I can't find a substantial body of knowledge regarding distributed scalable databases such as Google's Bigtable (for writing apps for google app engine). What works, what doesn't, what will scale, why won't?

Sure, there are some blog posts and articles, but are there books or academic research papers on designing databases for bigtable and similar database paradigms?


Well Bigtable is essentially a database itself, so I take it that your question is more on how to model and to some extent design your schema in these Bigtable like databases. More specifically you would like to know how to do this on Google's App Engine.

With GAE you will be using the Datastore API, which adds a significant layer of abstraction to Bigtable, so to some extent you don't have to worry about low level details as you would if you were using something like HBase. There are a few posts on SO (here's a great answer by a Google Engineer who I think is part of GAE team) that will guide you and offer hints on how to approach this new type of Database system.

Helpful Info:

  1. HBase was inspired by Google's Bigtable (Alternate Link) paper
  2. Hypertable was also inspired by Bigtable paper
  3. Cassandra's Data Model was inspired by Bigtable paper
  4. Hadoop was inspired by Google's GFS and MapReduce papers


10-18 13:53