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I don't know much about Google's Bigtable but am wondering what the difference between Google's Bigtable and relational databases like MySQL is. What are the limitations of both?



Bigtable is Google's invention to deal with the massive amounts of information that the company regularly deals in. A Bigtable dataset can grow to immense size (many petabytes) with storage distributed across a large number of servers. The systems using Bigtable include projects like Google's web index and Google Earth.


Bigtable的内部机制与MySQL的内部机制是完全不同的使得比较困难,并且预期目标也不重叠。但你可以认为Bigtable有点像单表数据库。例如,假设您尝试使用MySQL数据库实现Google的整个网络搜索系统时遇到的困难 - Bigtable是为解决这些问题而构建的。

The internal mechanics of Bigtable versus, say, MySQL are so dissimilar as to make comparison difficult, and the intended goals don't overlap much either. But you can think of Bigtable a bit like a single-table database. Imagine, for example, the difficulties you would run into if you tried to implement Google's entire web search system with a MySQL database -- Bigtable was built around solving those problems.

Bigtable数据集可以使用一种基于SQL子集的称为GQL(gee-kwal)的语言从AppEngine之类的服务查询。从GQL显然缺少任何类型的 JOIN 命令。由于Bigtable数据库的分布式特性,在两个表之间执行连接将是非常低效的。相反,程序员必须在他的应用程序中实现这样的逻辑,或者设计他的应用程序,以便不需要它。

Bigtable datasets can be queried from services like AppEngine using a language called GQL ("gee-kwal") which is a based on a subset of SQL. Conspicuously missing from GQL is any sort of JOIN command. Because of the distributed nature of a Bigtable database, performing a join between two tables would be terribly inefficient. Instead, the programmer has to implement such logic in his application, or design his application so as to not need it.


07-03 18:49