



When editing .pt files (which I've configured to be highlighted as XML) in MacVim, I get these funny little red arrows on the side.


What do these mean? What "feature" is this, and where can I find out more information about it?


Syntastic 插件,您可能可以通过某种方式从Janus内部执行中删除该插件.

Those arrows are most probably added by the Syntastic plugin, you can probably remove that plugin from executing inside Janus, somehow.


Also, as mentioned in my comments. You should not use Vim distributions, and here's why:

这被认为是不好的作法,这是主要原因之一.至少它是由经验丰富/高级/专家的Vim用户提供的,我不声称自己是其中的任何一个,但我当然不是初学者. :)

It is considered bad practice, that's one of the big reasons. At least it is from an experienced/advanced/expert Vim user, I don't claim to be any of them, but I'm certainly no beginner. :)


But the most important reason is because it slows you down. In more than one way. It slows you down in the fact that you don't get to know Vim, because you didn't configure it, the distribution did, sure you can usually override their settings, but it's definitely not the same than if you did it yourself.


And in a bigger way perhaps, is because you need to learn everything the plugins do, AT THE SAME TIME. That's no good. This of course changes if you're comfortable with all the plugins before hand.


For example right now, you didn't add those arrows, the distribution did. And so you were confused, because you didn't know about it, but it's still there.


That's just my two cents from the perspective of an adept (if I qualify as that) Vim user.



09-07 02:55