本文介绍了如何在C ++ 11中创建正态整数分布?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


正态分布: std :: normal_distribution< T> 只接受实数类型,例如 float double ,为什么它不接受整数类型?

The normal distribution: std::normal_distribution<T>only accepts a real-valued type such as float or double, why doesn't it accept an integer type?


How can I create a normal integer distribution?


我对C ++ 11几乎一无所知,但是我了解一点数学(或者我曾经做过一点),离散的正态分布称为二项分布.实际上,当让 n 变为无穷大时,正态分布就是二项分布.

I know next to nothing about C++11 but I know a little math (or I did at one point) and a discrete normal distribution is called a Binomial distribution. In fact a normal distribution is the binomial distribution when you let n go to infinity.

因此,假设C ++ 11具有二项式分布,则您具有离散的正态分布.为什么不尝试 std :: binomial_distribution ?

So assuming C++11 has a binomial distribution then you have a discrete normal distribution.Why don't you try std::binomial_distribution?

您可能还想阅读 de Moivre–Laplace定理.

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09-14 05:26