


I have a simple kernel which I am timing using clock().I got to know about this function in how how to measure the inner kernel time in NVIDIA CUDA?

clock_t start = clock(); (同样停止)来计时。在编译时,我得到以下错误:

So I have used clock_t start = clock(); (and similarly stop) to time it. On compilation, I get the following error:


Am I missing a header file, or a compiler option?

此外,我尝试使用CUDA计时器( cudaEvent_t start,stop; ),但我得到的经过时间为0毫秒。我创建开始和停止,记录开始,做一些cuda东西,同步,记录停止,事件同步和测量经过的时间。这部分编译精细,但给我经过的时间为零。

Also, I tried using CUDA timers (cudaEvent_t start, stop;) but the elapsed time I get is 0 ms. I create start and stop, record start, do some cuda stuff, synchronize, record stop, event synchronize and measure elapsed time. This part compiles fine but gives me elapsed time as zero.


It is a simple kernel that I am using to test my understanding of texture memory.The Kernel:

    __global__ void magic(float *mean, int *clock){
    int i, tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    float t, sum=0.0;
    clock_t start = clock();
    if ( tid < dimy )
    for(i=0;i<dimx; i++){
    t = tex2D( input, i, tid );
    sum = sum + t*t;
    clock_t stop = clock();
    clock[tid] = (int)(stop-start);


t命名你的内核参数 clock ,因为这会让编译器混乱,因为你有一个名为 clock 的变量, code> clock 。而是这样做:

In your kernel, don't name your kernel parameter clock as this is confusing the compiler because you have a variable named clock and a function named clock. Instead do this:

__global__ void magic(float *mean, int *myclock){

myclock[tid] = (int)(stop-start);

如果进行此更改, 。

If you make that change, the error about the expression preceding parenthesis will go away.It's odd that you answered the question about whether you have any other variables called clock or start with no, because you have both.


If you would like help with your usage of cuda events, please post the actual code you are using for timing. Are you doing error checking on all cuda calls and kernel calls?
