本文介绍了Visual Studio 2010-为编码的ui测试生成测试报告的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我正在使用Visual Studio-2010编写编码的Ui测试,并希望使用一些自定义记录器文本生成html报告.有格式可用的插件吗?

I'm using Visual studio-2010 for writing coded Ui test and want to generate html report using some custom logger text. Is there any plugin of format available?

我发现Visual Studio-2012会生成默认的html报告

I found that Visual studio-2012 generate default html report
but, can't update that report.


根据您的描述,我们可以通过在以下位置设置EqtTraceLevel属性来启用编码的UI测试结果: QTAgent32_40.exe.config 文件,请参阅以下MSDN文档.

According to your description, we could enable the coded UI test results with setting EqtTraceLevel property inQTAgent32_40.exe.config file, please refer to the following MSDN document.


>>我正在使用Visual Studio-2010编写编码的Ui测试,并希望使用某些自定义记录器文本生成html报告.有格式可用的插件吗?

>>I'm using Visual studio-2010 for writing coded Ui test and want to generate html report using some custom logger text. Is there any plugin of format available?

据我所知,在VS2010编码的Test中,没有第三方插件可以将测试结果格式.trx转换为html报告.而且,我们无法在当前VS2015中自定义HTML报告.我已经提交了关于自定义编码的UI测试结果的用户声音 通过以下链接,您可以对其进行投票和评论.

As far as I know, there is no third party plugin that could convert test result form .trx to html report in VS2010 coded Test. And we could not custom the Html report in current VS2015. And I have submitted a user voice about custom coded UI test result with the following link, you could vote and comment it.

https://visualstudio.uservoice .com/forums/121579-visual-studio-ide/suggestions/16895044-customize-coded-ui-test-results


But VS2010 not support html report for coded UI.

>>我发现Visual Studio-2012会生成默认的html报告,但是无法更新该报告.

>>I found that Visual studio-2012 generate default html report but, can't update that report.


We could not update the report, because each time we run the test, there is a test results folder will be created, so there will be a new UITestActionLog.html created after each running.



这篇关于Visual Studio 2010-为编码的ui测试生成测试报告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 23:03