

我理解 BufferedOutputStream 背后的理论。字节被写入缓冲区数组直到它已满,然后写入(刷新)到底层流 - 这个想法是它比逐字节写入更快,因为操作系统调用更少。

然而,从查看 BufferedOutputStream 类和方法的实现(),似乎最终,缓冲区中的字节只是逐字节写入。 / p>


在BufferedOutputStream.write(byte b [],int off, int len)它有行out.write(b,off,len)。由于out是OutputStream的实例,而不是BufferedOutputStream,因此它调用OutputStream.write(byte [],int,int)。这又使用for循环逐字节写入




  79 / **刷新内部缓冲区* / 
80 private void flushBuffer()抛出IOException {
81 if(count> 0){
82 out.write (buf,0,count);
83 count = 0;


285 / **
286 *将子数组写为字节序列。
287 * @param b要写入的数据
288 * @param关闭数据中的起始偏移量
289 * @param len写入的字节数
290 * @param附加{@code true}以首先将位置提升到
291 *文件结尾
292 * @exception IOException如果发生了I / O错误。
293 * /
294 private native void writeBytes(byte b [],int off,int len,boolean append)
295 throws IOException;

308 / **
309 *写< code> len< / code>来自指定字节数组的字节
310 *从offset< code> off< / code>开始到这个文件输出流。
311 *
312 * @param b数据。
313 * @param关闭数据中的起始偏移量。
314 * @param len要写入的字节数。
315 * @exception IOException如果发生I / O错误。
316 * /
317 public void write(byte b [],int off,int len)抛出IOException {
318 writeBytes(b,off,len,append);

I understand the theory behind BufferedOutputStream. Bytes are written to a buffer array until it is full, and then written (flushed) to the underlying stream - the idea being that it is faster than writing byte-by-byte as there are fewer OS calls.

However, from looking at the implementation of the BufferedOutputStream class and methods (BufferedOutputStream.java), it seems that ultimately, the bytes from the buffer are just written byte-by-byte.

I think this is the case because:

In BufferedOutputStream.write(byte b[], int off, int len) it has the line out.write(b, off, len). Since out is an instance of OutputStream, but not BufferedOutputStream, it is calling OutputStream.write(byte[], int, int). This in turn uses a for loop to write byte-by-byte

Please could someone clarify what is actually going on, and how it is faster?


When the data is flushed, it is as a block.

79       /** Flush the internal buffer */
80       private void flushBuffer() throws IOException {
81           if (count > 0) {
82               out.write(buf, 0, count);
83               count = 0;
84           }
85       }

FileOutputStream and many other override OutputStream.write() to handle blocks of data efficiently.


285       /**
286        * Writes a sub array as a sequence of bytes.
287        * @param b the data to be written
288        * @param off the start offset in the data
289        * @param len the number of bytes that are written
290        * @param append {@code true} to first advance the position to the
291        *     end of file
292        * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred.
293        */
294       private native void writeBytes(byte b[], int off, int len, boolean append)
295           throws IOException;

308       /**
309        * Writes <code>len</code> bytes from the specified byte array
310        * starting at offset <code>off</code> to this file output stream.
311        *
312        * @param      b     the data.
313        * @param      off   the start offset in the data.
314        * @param      len   the number of bytes to write.
315        * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
316        */
317       public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
318           writeBytes(b, off, len, append);
319       }


09-17 08:12