

我正在查看代码,并建议使用 mysqli_free_result 当不再需要结果对象时.但是在看到每个查询在整个脚本中重复输出到$result变量后,我想知道mysqli_free_result是否真的必要.好像每次运行查询时,$result变量已被清除干净并设置为新结果.只是好奇是否有人对此有任何投入.

I was looking through my code and read that it was recommened to use mysqli_free_result when your result object is not needed anymore. But after seeing that each query is outputed to the $result variable repeatedly throughout the script, I am wondering if mysqli_free_result would really be necessary. Seems like each time a query is ran the $result variable is already being wiped clean and set to a new result. Just curious if anyone has any input on this.



It’s never strictly necessary, but it's good practice to keep an eye on resources you’re using and know when you don't need them anymore.


It’s pretty minimal effort to drop in that extra line of code, so I would just do it every time you're finished with a result set. It has the added bonus of making it clear to someone reading your code when you’ve finished with a resource.


08-28 18:59