本文介绍了有没有办法从用户模式调用 Windows Native API 函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想用 C++ 从用户模式调用一些 Native API 函数.我想知道是否有可能绕过 Windows API 接口完全从用户态直接调用Native API函数.

I want to call some Native API function from the user mode with C++.I was wondering if it is possible to circumvent the Windows API interfacecompletely and call directly the Native API functions from the user mode.


If possible then any code examples will be really helpful.


是的,这是可能的,因为所有函数都是公开的 ntdll.dll.但是,您需要为要使用的 API 函数编写自己的头文件.没有关于 NT API 的官方文档,它并不是真的要直接使用.但这是可能的.

Yes it is possible, as all functions are exposed ntdll.dll. However you would need to write your own header file for those API functions you want to use. There is no official documentation on the NT API and it is not really meant to be used directly. But it is possible.


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09-03 05:09