

是否有任何文件或者是有塞西尔源代码,我可以咨询以获得其中的操作数类型塞西尔将使用一个给定的综合视图的一部分代码价值?例如:我可以从 MethodBodyRocks 收集了 Ldloc 需要一个操作数 VariableDefinition ,但我一直无法追查下来了一些其他的指令代码。

Is there any documentation or is there a part of the cecil source code that I can consult to get a comprehensive view of which Operand types cecil will use for a given Code value? Eg: I can glean from MethodBodyRocks that Ldloc takes an Operand of type VariableDefinition, but I haven't been able to track down this down for some of the other instruction codes.



You can look at the definition of every OpCode in the OpCodes.cs file.

例如。对于 Ldloc 你会看到的 OperandType.InlineVar

E.g. for Ldloc you would see OperandType.InlineVar


10-28 16:01